Jacob H

I’m a little worried I’m going to be lost playing this. I still haven’t played Fallout 5 through 75 yet

Presumably he won’t be the voice of Sonic, so who will be? Hopefully Urkel

The SMB movie had a pretty hilarious production history too


It’s going to be something new and different, so here’s my prediction: it’s not a game at all, it’s a radio drama

Fallout Labo

Ah see, here’s yer problem. A blocked steam-valve release

What if it’s set in China?

My best guess is they will try to replicate the model of GTA online. Could be quite good, depends entirely on the content and the in-game purchases.

mmmm more intrigue, delicious. I wonder if you mean something that would be Fallout, but in a somewhat different genre (ie MOBA, PUBG, MMO), or if you mean something that would be completely out of left field (Fallout Go, New Vegas Caravan Simulator 2019, Age of Grognak).

Cynical prediction: A fallout-flavored ‘Battle Royale’ game

Intriguing! Care to elaborate on your sources? The cynic in me expects a Switch port or some remaster of I and II, but the kid in me obv wants Fallout 5 or New Vegas II.

In the show, Magnum will be a private investigator sent to Hawaii to uncover a dark secret about the birthplace of a US president

This is pretty, but it only confuses things. Assuming those stripes are years, then this makes it look like 50-100 years ago we were getting colder than average temperatures. I don’t think that’s true, though. A third color, green maybe, for average temp years would have been helpful. And a f***ing legend

Well, I for one think it’s heartwarming that they care so much about testicular cancer

That “old joke” is a complete myth. The US govt spent nothing on the development of the space pen, that was all Fisher. It’s also not a good idea to use a pencil in space. Thousands of tiny pieces of highly conductive graphite floating around in your capsule is not a good thing

That “old joke” is a complete myth. The US govt spent nothing on the development of the space pen, that was all

In a parallel dimension, I can easily imagine people objecting to this because it pretends the US and UK were much less prejudiced than they actually were in the 40's

good point, although the red line was for spelling, not grammar, so my point still stands

This is a useful stat to look at. It’s not the only useful stat, but it’s useful. If some people use this stat to stupidly dismiss a game due to being “too short,” then they are only hurting themself. (oh a red line under ‘themself’? really Kinja? not very progressive)