Jacob H

I usually have the opposite question about a game, maybe because I don’t have all that much money to spend on games. My question is usually “Even if this is the best game in the world, can I justify spending 40$ to 60$ on a 10 hour experience? Or should I just buy Civ 6, and know it will give me hundreds of hours?”

Sorry, I meant if Green Man Gaming slapped a disclaimer under their ACPH would you feel better about it.

Sure, and people misuse Metacritic and RT score citations, too. Still, the stat has informational value. If they slapped some disclaimer under the score, emphasizing that it does not reflect its value, would that make you happier?

Fair enough, I guess - people are idiots, after all. Still, it’s not fair to say this stat distorts the value of the game. It doesn’t (it doesn’t even address it), you’re just afraid that people will distort the meaning of this statistic.

oof. ‘Spainful

How’s your coat? Silky?

‘Write it off’ how? It’s not like a private company, that could deduct it from their taxes as a loss. It’s the government, they don’t need to pretend it was an accident to fool the government

Gee, I wonder why they gave you this story

fair enough for most of these - however, the header image is all wrong. Gummy bears are probably the candy that even you agree must be chewed, and with gusto

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Is there going to be six more weeks of winter, or just five? So you’ve gotta ask yourself this question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Darwin’s Choice, a card game where you build your own animals and have to them through millions of years of evolution

The mom’s identity wasn’t released, but I guess since we are calling this a racist incident, therefore she is white. If you bother to read the transcript of the 911 call, it’s clear she’s afraid of a mass shooting, and only mentions race in response to the direct question “are they white males?”

He should have gotten Vonnegut to write it

loose them upon what?

What exactly are they going to do when they find him? Does the LIRR have the power to ban racists from their trains?

The author wrote “two periods” instead of “two spaces”. Nitpicking, sure, but when the article is one big grammar nitpick, I think it’s a fair jibe

Maybe proofread the article, and look out for other things besides the number of spaces after a period

But did he scratch his nose?

Next you’ll be telling me CaviarFlix is going under