Jacob H

Those were some pretty sweet lines of code, and to think that was before the days of Ruby on Rails. I heard those cartridges had 32 GRAM of internal storage. Some joke about blast processing...

I would have bet anything that this had happened at an Outback

Trying to get this one delayed too, huh? You are truly history’s greatest monster

My Pebble Steel still works...It still pushes email, text and call info to my watch face, I can still send auto-replies to texts, etc. I assume the apps don’t work anymore, but I never used them anyway

I giss he got gud

The thing about these events is that you invite the whole team, and nobody comes

dammit whyyyy didn’t i say ‘bone us’ stage

He just watches that much

its the bonus stage, obv

How’s the self-driving car going to get the pizza to my door? You mean I have to walk to the curb?? Hells to the no

Remember, during the passage of the ACA, when politicians (mostly R) were screaming their heads off about anyone “getting between you and your doctor”? Remember ‘death panels’?

I’ll try, but this whole thing is just more than I camembert

The organizers sound like a bunch of horrible muensters

Has anything good ever come out of multiplayer chat? Have there been any marriages or lifelong friendships that started on multiplayer game chats? Tricky Towers has the right idea - no chat, period.

Remember those super-loud Sun chips bags? It must be hard to be an acoustic snackologist

Gases are technically fluid, has anyone ever made neon blinkers?

We get it, you own a Jaguar

How would that not be perfect? Out of the 4 possible outcomes, 2 are ‘same’ and 2 are ‘different’. Seems pretty perfect to me.

Could it be that this sentence is missing the two words “is not”?

Hand-life 3 confirmed