Jacob H

its the bonus stage, obv

How’s the self-driving car going to get the pizza to my door? You mean I have to walk to the curb?? Hells to the no

I’ll try, but this whole thing is just more than I camembert

The organizers sound like a bunch of horrible muensters

Has anything good ever come out of multiplayer chat? Have there been any marriages or lifelong friendships that started on multiplayer game chats? Tricky Towers has the right idea - no chat, period.

Remember those super-loud Sun chips bags? It must be hard to be an acoustic snackologist

Gases are technically fluid, has anyone ever made neon blinkers?

We get it, you own a Jaguar

How would that not be perfect? Out of the 4 possible outcomes, 2 are ‘same’ and 2 are ‘different’. Seems pretty perfect to me.

Hand-life 3 confirmed

Just watch the game and root for injuries, then!

All right, I love a challenge, I’ll argue against .05!

That depends a lot on what you mean by “the west”. Is Morocco “the west”? Egypt? A lot of hashish comes out of the N Africa area.

Are you talking about opium, or are you talking about marijuana? THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. You might as well want laws against any import. Why not ban tobacco? Cut off their hands if they smoke! You do remember the Opium Wars, don’t you?

You know what has a dark history, steeped in blood? Spices. Now, you would never partake of anything so mired in oppression, right? All the lives that have been lost in the West’s pursuit of spices? You, blaming the substance itself, would never tacitly endorse such things, right?

Opium isn’t marijuana, mkay?

Can you really blame mochi for the heart attack the guy had? Seems like a coincidence

For these types of restaurant, you can tell they actually care and aren’t just using it as an excuse, because they will frequently have loaner jackets for guests who show up without one (at least if Seinfeld is to be believed). They really do want everyone in jackets.

Where’s your list of the top 10 games you single-handedly delayed this year?

What’s that weird LED array above Princess C**t? Some kind of UK EasyPass?