Jacob H

Cool, so in a few hours when the Steam store recovers from the excessive load, we can buy some stuff. Incredible how they never seem to anticipate the demand and add additional servers

**Ice cream truck music**

Ok, so what IS the battery life on these guys?

Ok, so what IS the battery life on these guys?

Sea lions aren’t related to lions, seahorses aren’t related to horses. Sea cucumbers aren’t related to cucumbers, and sea cows aren’t related to cows. So now we have sea ‘bees’ (scare quotes in headline) that aren’t related to bees. Just relax, nobody is going to take that headline literally

Sea bees? Gee, bees.

I haven’t read the book, but I was under the impression that the world-shaping powers of refrigeration had more to do with air conditioning (opening high-temperature areas to expansion) and refrigerated boxcars (for transporting food) than home fridges.

Yes, I had those as a kid. But the idea there was different - those pieces are all the same shape, these aren’t. If you could somehow connect the two different sides of a Schmuzzle, and also vary the pieces, then they’d be the same

LOL pix or it isn’t Happening

Right, but you did say specifically that this was

It wasn’t the car’s fault - There was a Samsung phone in the glove compartment

The only cafe in Europe where they expect a tip.

The guy had hepatitis, see /ERM

So the duty to make the obvious joke falls to me, eh? Fine.

I especially love how an oganization supposedly interested in legitimate science begins their statement with the ridiculous point that some recent poll showed whatever. Um, who cares? The number of parents who think there is a link could be 100%, or 1% - it wouldn’t change the data. I suppose if all the polls start

Looks like he got a bad case of Youngblood’s disease

Well, like pizza, I’m sure he eats his fries with a knife and fork. Probably because his fingers are too short to reach them.

inb4 all the commenters mistaking this for a self-driving car

This is exactly why all restaurants need to post their menus in the window. I don’t care if you have 10 Michelin stars, if you don’t post your menu in the window you’re an asshole

All they can do is change colors, affect gravity, manipulate time, write text on-screen and Rickroll

oh yea, my bad