Jacob H

True, but this is the DEA, not the FDA

This is a great podcast! I’ve been listening to it from the start, but I really think the title was a mistake. Yes, it’s about the history of the English language, but it’s about so much more - Latin, Greek, the history of EngLAND, etc... He should have called it “The Heritage of English” or something like that.

Plus she’s a Commander


inb4 haramjo

And why is it Nazi GerMANy anyway? Nazi Gerwomyny, if you ask me.

I think there’s a perfectly rational explanation here. He told his mom first, remember? I think he was genuinely robbed during a drug deal or solicitation gone bad, and called his mom for some comfort. But he had to give her a relatively innocent account. So of course he didn’t tell the IOC or the local police because

Let’s say you’re a high-profile person. You’re doing something you’d be embarassed to reveal - like trying to buy drugs, or soliciting a prostitute. You get robbed in the process, and you naturally want to just let the whole thing drop - but oops, you already called your mom because it was traumatic and you wanted

So if you create and enter a new galaxy, it will be just you forever (ie no other players discovering stuff), and so on for every new galaxy you create? Or will it start populating new players into your galaxy...?

tweet 2/2 We will use the 368 extra days to really put out a game we are proud of. Thanks to Jason S. for the idea!

“...and reviewers from various outlets have just gone and bought copies from local retailers instead of waiting for Sony to send code”

offline play is confirmed

I’m still looking for the 30 hrs number, but for the portals i might have been misremembering this from reddit:

I’ll go back and try to find it again but i could just be misremembering

sure, there will be a day 1 patch, as with almost every game. My only point was that the disc he got is as good as any he could get in a store on the 9th or whenever

well i couldn’t find it but it’s in that video somewhere. 56 mins...

Now playing

That’s 30 hours of nonstop hyperspacing, I think...(which is impossible).

Yea, but imagine the satisfaction if you overtook him...

What, don’t watch videos about any games? You realize that the autoplay & recommended features are smart enough to serve you up a video about a different game than the one you’re watching. Especially if you frequently watch.