Jayhawk Jake

Wasn’t the wall initially built as an alternate to the Jaegers because the Jaegers were too effective? And hadn’t there been a lull in Kaiju attacks until the one in Sydney? I don’t think it was so much a commentary on climate change or border walls as it was a commentary on humanity’s innate ability to minimalize

What’s there to be afraid of? The plane is fine. The camera angle also makes it look worse than it is, thought that still would have been a little rough.

I was hoping that with the kaiju threat ended, people would monetize the giant robots into a giant robot fighting league and we would have just gotten 2 hours of giant robots beating the shit out of each other.

Exactly, because Uber has bent the system to allow themselves to not pay their employees minimum wage.

I guess transporting people doesn’t count as responsibility

It’s more the law and less supply and demand.

So driving uber can be a valid career.

But we’re not giving them a fair income. Fuck it then, why do we pay anyone anything? High School Dropout Hank over at Walmart is subhuman then, guess we should pay him $1.25 to stock my groceries while the company pockets all the profit.

It depends how you define exploit. I would say that Uber’s style of exploitation, if we want to call it that, is quite different from many other companies that pay a reasonable wage.

So because Uber doesn’t pay its drivers fairly it’s not a real job? But it’s a real company...

Taxi Driver = Real Job

It’s a bigger picture issue, but I don’t like the “if you don’t like it do something else” argument because there are many, many reasons why that can be difficult. Some are personal, others are institutional. Regardless, why is it okay that we as customers take advantage of these employees because the ‘chose’ the

Building a business that relies on ‘hobbyists’ to generate a profit is a really crappy way to build a business.

But the uber drivers should learn it in time. You’re complaining about lack of experience, something that is far from unique to Uber or Lyft.

We also seem to have decided as a society that any work is better than no work, and workers should be grateful to have any income especially if they lack experience, education, or both. Customers of these services won’t readily defend the rights of the employees they are taking advantage of because “at least they have

How is the non-skilled part relevant when compared to other drivers in the same industry? They’re not skilled either, just experienced.

In my view it’s a little like how tips being used as justification to pay servers below minimum wage is unfair.

Well the model year would be 2018, so it’d be the 50th anniversary in that regard.

PPDF was stripped of funding and disbanded after they ended the Kaiju threat the first time, but Mako Mori leads a much smaller team insistent that they still need defense?

I can’t be the only car enthusiast that just doesn’t understand the point of a radar detector.