
Oh no, who woke up Trump..?

If it wasn’t so sad, it would have been very funny.

You know how every president ages like shit during their term? This is going to be the administration where we all age like shit.

I can imitate the sounds many modified Civics make with my anus.

Duh? Did he not realize that Trump is a shithead like the rest of us did almost as soon as Trump started his campaign? Exactly why should he or is he surprised?

The second you said Liberal I stopped reading. Who gives a shit if it’s conservatives or liberals.. we have a shocking current president and Obama even with his flaws was far superior.

Forgive me for my relative ignorance on the topic... but can you try to explain to me why the following couldn’t have happened? And please, spare your sarcasm.

Obama was president, negotiated agreement with Syria, no further chemical weapons were used during his term.

If Obama’s administration was amateur hour. What’s that make Trump’s? I am thinking what ever the political equivalent of this gif is.

“The car, according to Blue Ribbon News, was donated to the Genesis Center by a local resident battling cancer:

And im glad we have you to tell us these things, Marco Polo, because nobody knew anything about the norks until you took your little concentration camp junket.

Yes, human misery on an unimaginable scale is “fascinating”.

Ah, border patrol.

President Trump said he was sending an armada towards NK. He either lied, had no idea what was actually happening, or doesn’t actually know what an armada is. This is way the fuck different from not unveiling military strategy.

Except we know that it can’t...so clearly, the bridge was hit by remote-control “bumblebee” aircraft packed with nanothermite, while somebody detonated the pre-planted micro-nukes under the bridge as the Armed Forces hit it with a super-secret hypersonic cruise missile.

You really expect me to bend down to pick-up my pizza?

Blah Blah Blah, I don’t understand legal nomenclature, Blah, Blah, Blah, misses point, misses concept of inherited and deprecated rights, Blah, Blah, Blah, embraces the ever backward logic of “this deserves these things more than this thing so we shoudn’t do anything”.

oh wow he thanked people that showed him reporting showcasing that regardless of what ones beliefs are that if they can agree on something they will actually recognize people as people? How awful that we wish to live in a society like that where god forbid we disagree with something but still believe each person

EPA? lol Trump will see to that liberal regulatory board and all its “better for the planet and you” socialism nonsense! Soon, when the WV coal mines are in full force again and we have jerbs, we will make these wonderful coal burning cars with Murican steel and not only will the miners have black lung (and jerbs

This casual journalism bullshit isn’t funny or cool or whatever it is you’re trying to convey to rope in young readers. Especially if your still going to sensationalize the report. The Biritsh Navy had an unarmed ICBM malfunction. That’s it. To say it was heading to the United States is laughably false.