
Sell an aftermarket kit on Alibaba and you will be rich.

No. It isn’t.

Audi needs to stop pretending that they are BMW or Mercedes. They are not. Both Audi and Mazda need to drop their prices. Mazda needs to slot themselves below Acura pricewise if they want to sell more cars.

Thank You!

I appreciate most opportunities to ridicule stupidity for my own personal amusement. This one is especially good for so many reasons. As soon as I saw that this guy had lowered a Passat I was LMAO. That in and of itself is hilarious. And it just gets better from there. This guy should have his own TV show called “Ignor

Those Firestone tires were junk. I had them and could not believe the drastic improvement when I changed to Michelin. Ford would have sold more Explorers if they put decent tires on them to start with just because the ride and handling would have been so much better.

The door is strategically placed to create offsides calls for the away team. That seems pretty sleazy. The NHL is a joke for allowing that.

You can fit some “big bottoms” in the spacious back seat. 

I like wagons but the last thing we need is another Suburu wagon. I won’t miss it. BMW wagons? Now that’s a different story.

Spend more and get the Alfa Romeo Stelvio. It is the only option.

This type of douche bag is incapable of ever admitting fault. Unfortunately there are many of them. Gladly most are not on race tracks. 

Headlights would be better if people used them properly. It should be a federal law that you have to have your headlights on in snow or rain. Then you have the morons who think that they can see fine without their lights on but fail to understand that the equal purpose of lights is for other drivers to see you. Can

I hope Kraft’s legal team can make a case against the police or the DA or whoever is lying about human trafficking. It is disgusting to lie about such a nasty crime to justify entrapment of celebrities. This could get very interesting.

The inconceivable ignorance over the origin of the Patagonia name is shocking. For all of you morons out there. Patagonia is a region, a place, a mountainous area of Argentina and Chile. They have excellent fly fishing there. They also have some wickedly bad weather including huge hail. You can’t trademark a place. I

I think they went out of business.

Alanis has spent a lot of time researching this but the bottom line is....who cares? Haas is getting paid to make their car look cool. As long babies aren’t being murdered to fund Rich Energy I don’t care about their business or if they are laundering money. Major corporations that we are all familiar with are

Courtesy Mazda in Longmont Colorado is a real shit show. It doesn’t matter if it’s sales department or service department. I couldn’t even reach them a few weeks ago because they set up their phones to ring through to a company trying to sell services to senior citizens. You had to take a survey just to be transferred

It is difficult for me to understand why anyone likes Steph Curry. He has always been a jerk. He has never not been a jerk. From having his toddler on his lap at press conferences to showboating after every single shot he makes to his overall arrogant attitude in everything he does, he is a jerk. He is a bad sport. He

F1 also has at least triple the travel budget. They take more equipment to more races in more places all over the world.

Your comments about your previous beliefs about tire choice over AWD are incredibly disappointing. You must live in a place that never gets snow. I for that matter live in Colorado and do a lot of mountain driving. AWD and traction control/stability control systems make snow tires completely unnecessary. These systems