The value of those cars sure took a dive.
The value of those cars sure took a dive.
Thank you! There are bunch of pussies on this site coddling the whiny, excuse factory that is Ricciardo. His career in F1 is over.
Wow. That sounds really tough. What a whiner. I used to like Ricciardo but now I don’t. Could you imagine this jerk with a real job? He would die from exhaustion if he had to work 40 hours a week.
Not true. Honda have the resources to compete with anyone. They may have finally figured it out.
Ferrari will finish behind Mercedes and Red Bull. Mercedes is clearly miles ahead of everyone else. They also spend a lot more than anyone else so they should be. The Honda engine is going to get better quickly. There is no way they were running that engine at full power with all the new specs and technology. They…
Mecum is a shit show and all serious and competent car investors know it. Mecum is for red necks, posers and fools who think crappy cars have investment potential. You get what you deserve when you buy a car at a Mecum auction.
Yes. Bring back refueling. The cars start off too heavy and the engineering to overcome all that weight is a waste of time and money.
I never understood why someone would be attracted to SAAB. They seem odd and eccentric but not in a good way. They are too expensive for what they are.
McLaren livery is vomit inducing. Second worst livery on the grid. Pink is the worst.
Pink sucks. It is the worst car on the grid. McLaren looks horrible. Williams is horrible. The Haas looks great. I don’t care if it is a rip off on JPS. It looks fantastic and black looks great. All the others look good. The Alfa is very nice.
I don’t consider the 1 series to be a real BMW. It’s a Mini. Especially if it’s front wheel drive.
I feel his pain. I just spent $950 fixing and maintaining my old, now my sons 1999 E39. 75 miles later the heating core blows fluid all over the interior. Correct me if I am wrong but I think replacing a heating core in an E39 is the worst possible job. I think I am pot committed to this damn car after all the money I…
Marjuana is going to disrupt big pharma’s opioid business in a huge way. Give it 5 years.
That is not a joke. It is the governments right to be complicit with them.
It’s not only the Dems and Republican that are preventing universal, single payer health care. Too many of the voters are not for it yet. Americans don’t like to be taxed and the way our country is geographically/demographically constructed, it is very challenging to implement. I grew up in Europe but am an American…
You should direct some of your anger and the FDA. They are in bed with big pharma and do an incompetent job at everything they control.
I sure hope the headline is meant to be sarcastic. Why would any educated person think that pharmaceutical companies or doctors care whether someone dies from opioids?
I think Fred Flintstone had one of these transmissions. NASCAR needs to make some significant technological improvements to remain relevant. Race attendance and TV viewership are both in a steep decline.
Tulo is too old. I don’t see how he can help any team.
Please elaborate if you are able.