
The question I have is who would be dumb enough to buy this bastardized Frankenauto? It can’t have any value to a collector. 

Well they deserve to lose most of their listeners as far as I am concerned. I am tired of the liberal nonsense that dominates their programming. They actually had a story today complaining about white photographers not properly photographing black people. It was unbelievable.

After being amused by this article I had to look up both the Blazer and Trailblazer. I had not seen them. I wish I hadn’t. This article does not properly describe the incompetence that must have led to the creation of this garbage. I have been anxious about the state of the world for the last few months but now after

I live in Colorado and have seen pink snow many times in the mountains here over the last 30 years. I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

The comment in question is not wrong. Why would anyone disagree with it? It’s a fact. If you don’t commit crimes, you are much less likely to encounter a bad cop who wants to kill you. I don’t think the comment is meant to exonerate the cop. 

I am not anti capitalist but the fact that the CEO of Hertz recently got a nine million dollar bonus is disgraceful. That is one reason why many companies don’t have enough reserves to cover a disaster like this. The top executives take all of the profits and piss on their employees. I guess the poor CEO could not

If they leave it in the ground in the US then we lose thousands of jobs. The Saudi’s and Russian’s have a virtual unlimited supply and it is much cheaper to extract so they don’t care and would rather conspire to destroy the US market than stop their extraction.

I am in the market for a used Ram 1500 and was looking at them and test driving them at various dealers before the shit hit the fan. I have been monitoring them online for the last 6 weeks. Prices have barely dropped but something very interesting happened 2 days ago. The Echo used car dealership had about 14 Ram 1500

No Cruiselines are US companies so why would anyone discuss bailing them out? The only topic for discussion would be how to help the many thousands of their employees who live and work in the US. The other issue the hundreds of other companies and their employees who support the ports and cruise industry in the US. 

I think I am too stupid to understand this graph. It looks to me like we are talking about an average change of about .35 degrees Celsius. The entire range of the graph is for .7 degrees Celsius. My ignorant guess is that microplastics and pollution are a bigger threat to corals than just water temperature. Many

The spoiler is ugly and silly. It’s disappointing that they could not have designed it to look better and engineered it to be properly functional instead of a gimmick. 

You said it. You don’t know anything about it. The product has been available for at least 5 years. 

It’s really disgraceful that Starbucks has waited so long to do this. I frequent other local coffee shops that have had compostable cups for at least 5 years. It’s not a new product or concept. 

The perils of legalized weed. The contractor who filled the wrong tanks was probably stoned.

I have watched Dr. Who since 1972. I like some of the Doctors better than others. I have watched several episodes with Jodie Whittaker and cannot watch anymore. Hopefully the new, co-doctor will be better than Whittaker and can take over for her. Whittaker is simply awful to watch and listen to. I don’t think it has

Deadspin is wrong as usual. Anyone who runs onto the field should have excessive bodily harm inflicted on them. Mandatory tasing on the field should be implemented.

The design because F1 outlawed it.

This was the golden age of F1. Rules could be interpreted to allow 6 wheels. How awesome is that? Who would not love to see an F1 car today racing with 6 wheels? The cars all look identical today because of overzealous rules regarding specifications. Even though Mercedes dominates, look at the difference in lap times

Just more women disrespecting the victims of real sexual assault. They should be put in jail. Hey ladies, just because you don’t like the person who is hitting on you does not make it a sexual assault. 

I am a very politically incorrect person but even I think this is absurd. It’s not offensive to me but just stupid. Did someone think this would actually be a helpful gesture? I can’t believe that anyone at Forever 21 had bad intentions but it truly a ridiculous thing to do.