
Just because a person has money, doesn’t mean they have good taste. E.g. POTUS’s NYC home.

This comes to mind. /richardhammond

If he wanted a Pantera with a 280z grafted onto the back he should have bought a Pantera and grafted a 280z onto the back.

My mate popped in for a cup of coffee with his Khamsin yesterday. Can’t understand why anyone would want to change the shape of one.

This is the Blazer you are looking for...

Gotta look a little older to get back to the better Blazers. 

It’s because they’re awesome, Elizabeth. It’s because they’re awesome.

He’ll be fine, Denver's the perfect place to spark up a Bol.

That’s Ok... Ford ripped-off the Aston Martin Grill.

I’m partial to these too....

Reminds me of my favorite car show shirt:

It’s way better than you make it sound. Rush is among Ron Howard’s best films. Sure, it is not 100% accurate, but “based on real events” films aren’t documentaries. Still, it’s pretty close to real events and it definitely captures the spirit of the Lauda/Hunt rivalry. I’ll be firing up this film today in honor of

That’s all the recommendation anyone should need.

Lauda liked it a lot. That’s good enough a recommendation.

Rush is a slightly better movie than it gets credit/remembered for. Not bad if you want a little history of Niki.

When Tiger Woods won last month at Augusta, all the talking heads were saying it was the “greatest comeback in the history of sports”. The first I thought of was Niki. It will be a very long time if ever before we see someone go from last rights to the grid in six weeks to World Champion in a year.  Heroic stuff.

Unprepared is an understatement. This is an actual photo of Alonso in their original backup car.

This is just depressing in so many ways. I was really looking forward to watching him run, especially after last year. I didn’t think he’d win, but I thought it would be fun to watch.