
Not too many readers here study the humanities.

I am curious why so many choose to forget that Colin Kaepernick was not very good.

I don’t see how this qualifies as a big luxury sedan. It was never a big luxury sedan. Back in 1984 the Mercedes and of course Cadillac and Lincolns were bigger. Today all luxury sedans are bigger than this. It seems like a fun car to have but if you really want to own a big luxury sedan you have not accomplished the

I had the good fortune of being at the right place at the right time in Denver a few years ago where a random car show was going on. There were Ferraris, Maseratis and Lamborghinis there. There was a large crowd gathered around one car. So many people that I could not see what it was. That car turned out to be the

Doesn’t Alfa Romeo mean “mistake” in latin? Every Alfa has many mistakes. Enthusiasts call it “charming”. A new and improved 8C would be nice to see.

You don’t belong on this site.

You’re correct. You are being beaten down for that comment.

It is really disappointing that Jalopnik would support such an absurd position. This site has not typically lowered itself to coddle the politically correct whiners who choose to be victims because it is trendy. 

He didn’t do well in life. He didn’t do anything in life. He inherited money.

Excellent idea. The resistance is rising. It’s going to get interesting.

I love it. I was just telling someone the same thing today. I like your thinking.

I feel old.

Perhaps chicken middle fingers?

LT is one of a kind. He was the best. Perhaps the fact that he was always high on cocaine contributed to his greatness but I have never seen a more dominant player. 

I can’t imagine why you got that impression.

That depends on where you live and how you live. I live in Colorado. Many people here have a lot of access to unpaved roads. Many of the mountain roads that are upaved have large rocks and pot holes which necessitates better clearance than most of todays SUV’s/crossovers provide. The choices for people like me have

Mercedes doesn’t care if this car ever gets sold. It was only a way for them to cheat in F1 to do extra testing. It worked. F1 has extreme testing limits on teams in an effort to cut costs.

It was crap when it was new and now it is old crap.

Can our government figure out a better license plate system? It annoys the crap out of me to see a beautiful car with an ugly licence plate that doesn’t fit properly on the bumper and is messing up the aerodynamics.

The hitting has been very bad this year. It was extremely disappointing that they could not score in the last 4 games despite winning one of them. The pitching was good enough to win against Milwaukee. Too bad they made such a bad decision to sign Desmond for the long term. He is a liability. They had men on base and