I had one of those too. Fantastic car except for the zf tranny that crapped out at 65k miles.
I had one of those too. Fantastic car except for the zf tranny that crapped out at 65k miles.
I disagree. They are much more interesting than the F10 and have held their value much better.
My 18 year old son is driving my old e39. He loves it. Best car ever made.
Unfortunately they should probably recall all of them for being so unreliable. They are great cars when they work.
Frost is a good coach and needs time to recruit. I love watching Nebraska lose and hope they lose forever. I will never forgive them for the Tom Osborne criminal years. Unfortunately I think they will be good in 3 years.
There are some enzymes you can take that supposedly break down the alcohol. I think they are derived from the japanese raisin tree. I have tried them and they seem to help with both getting less drunk and less of a hangover.
I know the car is heavily camouflaged in all of the pics but I can’t see how this car will look good when the camo comes off.
I see the Alfa and get weak kneed. Perhaps it’s because they are obtainable in my tax bracket. I test drove one and fell in love. They are such a pleasure to drive.
You must not be very familiar with DaVinci’s work. I would love to see what he could do with crayons. It would be no less incredible than anything else he did which was not only painting.
Agreed. Endurance racing has super cool cars and many great drivers.
It is not much of a debate. F1 drivers are the best. And if you look at the best drivers in Indy car, they all are F1 rejects. The other F1 rejects race in endurance racing, IMSA instead wasting time with garbage NASCAR.
I can provide you some shit if you would like to confirm it stinks.
No. Wrong. Absurd.
Nebraska are as hypocritical as they come.
Jealous much?
Rape is a vile and disgusting crime. Just because you rape sheep doesn’t make it any better.
Karma is a bitch. Nebraska has plenty of bad Karma coming their way. Coach Osborne ran a scummy, dirty, criminal program. I don’t have any sympathy for anything bad that happens to their program.
Agreed. This stuff happens all the time on the field. Nebraska are whiney jerks. I can’t stand their toothless, classless fans.
I am a fan of both and know many others who are too.