this is so wrong. Jets fans wear AXE Body Spray
as opposed to the tomato quiche pie you eat with a fork and knife? pizza’s a food to eat with your hands. you guys eat fried chicken with cutlery too? elite feh!
slow clap. +1
Can I Get a Job as a Closed captioning EDITOR because apparently Using capital Letters with no Rhyme or reason is a big part of the job Requirements?
You really are bitter. I’ll await your snarky reply b/c you’re the type of d’bag who CANNOT resist replying. You know you can’t.
what’s adorable, sweetums, is waiting 4 days to reply to all 20 of us who called you out on your b.s. (I know, you were on an important international business trip, I’m sure- nobody’s buying it but whatevs). You’re the type who will now respond (4 days from now again??) with a slew of expletives because that master’s…
also Big Pharma supports vaccines. nuff said, right?
sucker is the right word ;)
sh*t just writes itself.
dude, stop trolling. we get it, you’re bitter.
good stereotyping. while we’re playing, did you know home school kids are “full or antisocial nerds whose best skills, since they have almost no athletic skills, is winning the spelling bee.” see how fun it is to stereotype!!
which is why 99% of your friends today are a-holes like you. life worked out perfectly! did they also let you choose your bedtime or let you watch murder shows in preschool you twit?
This x 1000.
what about inviting 1 or 2 of his friends to go with him to the amusement park instead of a big, formal party? my daughter and 2 others were the only guests at a party for a girl in her class. i’m glad we made her go, but felt awful for the birthday girl.
really good stuff. would it have been that hard to ask a few non-softballs, Katie?
she and the 25 dudes did not use any birth control or STD protection. that’s 26 morons in my opinion. should be a great story to tell junior someday, though. “so yeah, I was number 14 in a 25 guy train on mommy and.....”
I have no doubt that the ‘winner’ of the sperm lottery that night amongst 25 will step up and be a wonderful father. none whatsoever. /s
because Jezebel didn’t run a bunch of cartoons a few months ago with disney male princes/characters naked and the comments didn’t make fun of the size of their penises. because...hypocrisy.