
per the original article: none of the men there wore condoms.

well the fact that she’s pregnant and might bring a kid into this world. I’m sure whichever guy is the lucky father will be a wonderful dad. now I’ll wait for the “who says you have to have a dad to be successful” posts. /s

was dummer a typo or /s

similar to "brown people" but I was in my late 20s, looked younger, and entered an Audi dealer in jeans and t-shirt. Literally walked around for 5-10 minutes in an otherwise empty showroom and nobody would look up to help. So I went to the sales manager's desk and he said he's get someone to help me in just a minute.

but they’ll NEVER mistake Chobhani yogurt for Fage, right HamNo??

that's the problem though- he is an old school, curse like a sailor guy. but the press portrays him as the sweet caring guy. sit behind a Duke bench sometime and you'll be horrified at what he says to his players.

fellow Terp fan and I completely get what you're saying. I'd love to be a constant Final Four team and have people hate us, no matter how douchey and arrogant he is.

I hate CAL but how? because there were better guys ahead of him? did Cal strongly encourage him to stay another year? if so, you have a point, otherwise a kid made a bad decision, got benched for better players, and got injured. Cal sucks but in that case I don't see how it's his fault unless he clearly discouraged

I'm guessing you didn't understand his comment.

thanks for stereotyping all southerners. thankfully I learned there is no racism in NY (Eric Garner), and definitely none in Boston. LOL.

please harm yourself (kill yourself would be too harsh). you are the type of idiot millenial Chris Rock just talked about who gets offended over every joke. IT WAS A JOKE MORON.

pretty boy that people hated. no tats, no horrible songs, no dumb arrests. but he was hated by all except the blindly loyal duke fans.

beautiful. +1

as a Maryland alum, even I must admit, that was funny.

tarheel alumni hater mode- meaning he went to UNC so of course he's in hater mode about dukies.

and some fugly denny's waitresses, too.

don't worry, there were 62,000 of us there watching. 13,000 season tix sold. we'll do fine without ya. thanks.

I lived 35 of my 45 years in PA and MD so yes, I'm aware. MD has amazing corn and tomatoes in the summer. if you need tomatoes in december, you're probably getting them from a hothouse in canada or south america. I get apples from PA or Wash state. there are no apple orchards here so it's not always possible to eat

you don't need to eat strawberries in december. living in florida, i love that January was oranges, now it's strawberry season and in 45 days I'll pick blueberries at the farm down the road. when they're gone in June or July, I switch to blackberries and summer corn and watermelon. eat seasonally.

not to be pedantic but you just were.