Justin Schroeder

Diana. I remember my mom watching that funeral all fucking day after seeing on the news that she died a few days before and having no idea who she even was much less why everyone was so enthralled...

Why would he? It part of an oral tradition that pre-dates the Jewish bible. There was a flood in Mesopotamia, and guy built a large boat for him and his mates and stuff, etc... Like all tribal and oral histories, story just kept growing and changing from one culture to the next.

There never was any PC version of this before, right? That means that some specific effort was made to port this. It’s interesting to see Square-Enix bringing Final Fantasy to the PC lately, and it’s encouraging about FFXV (if it’s good.)

Here’s hoping for a Final Fantasy XII port, because that was a personal favorite,

X-2 is borderline fan fic, don’t worry about continuity lol, just read a quick synopsis of the end of X and you’ll be good

Dark Souls 3

I’m not sure if you’re kidding or not, but that’s clearly a phone

I’ll vote for any candidate the promises to put the F-22 back in production.

...that Michael Jordan’s father was killed by the mafia due to his inability to pay off gambling debts

That William Randolph Hearst had congress make weed illegal so that the hemp paper mills had to shut down and all the newspaper companies had to buy his wood-pulp paper.

There’s no way Lee Harvey Oswald acted or shot alone in JFK’s assassination.

Eric Schmidt is the former CEO of Google and the current Executive Chairman, not CEO, of Alphabet. The CEO of Alphabet is Larry Page.

Methinks the author lives in NYC, and has never seen the horrid state of public transportation in other cities. I live in Milwaukee, not a huge city but it’s about 600,000 people. We have a bus service that takes 2 hours to get to my job round trip (total miles: 12). Many locations have next to no coverage. Other than

It’s assuming that mass transit infrastructure could be effective in smaller cities, which it couldn’t. From what I’ve seen, mass transit is barely effective in L.A., you’ll never get it to work in actual small cities and towns. This proposal might be useful for large cities, but it will never be as universal as “ban

Uh, not sure Charlottesville (or any big college town) is the best representation for “small-town” America.

You clearly didn’t play enough PS2 games.


Next you’ll tell me that they’re artificially propping up their stock market!

Most people just order fish.

That’s the great thing about them, there’s no pressure to buy if you don’t want to! That said, I will happily purchase silver simply to support the ongoing content in-between the yearly releases. Players like me can cover for palyers like you, which is great! :)

I want a Praise the Sun emote \[T]/