Justin Schroeder

Can we just take a moment to remember Playstation Underground, and the demo discs that Pizza Hut gave away at like every gathering? I didn’t have disposable income to actually purchase most of these games, but I have the first part of Metal Gear Solid (up to the Darpa Chief rescue) etched into my memory. What a game!

But yes they are. Hiding behind “it’s business,” implies that that these choices are infallible. If the last five years have shown anything, that that is not even remotely close.

An example: the opioid crisis. Should we not punish the companies who pushed perscriptions on the masses simply because, to them, it was

When is the correct time to protest, if it’s only okay when it’s not going to upset people that disagree with that protest?  

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

Getting slammed head first into the ground does less brain damage than regularly watching FOX news 

Also if you consider breastfeeding sexual content, that’s your albatross, not the mom’s.

Answer: Yes.

You joke, but it is kind of incredible to me that Lebron doesn’t have enough juice with Nike to make this happen.

Remember ten years ago when people were absolutely enraged that a game might have an “always online” requirement?

...that expansion came from the moon!

Yeah, kinda. If his wealth is due to their partnership then there wouldn’t exactly be anything to exploit without them, would there? That doesn’t really seem exploitative.

Wow! So the Fallout games are connected somehow?!

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

I hear your point, but apparently it’s easier said than done.

What what is interesting to me, is that for the last week or so, the entire narrative has been about how the Celtics are underperforming and not playing as a unit and not getting the job done etc etc. Can someone just come out and say that the Bucks are clearly a better fucking team??

A bunch of nerds’ opinions on the Internet is science?

Dame v the Warriors in the Conference Finals would be the shit

Sounds like a regular old-fashioned Dunk-a-Thon to me

No one died or was injured in the Louisiana churches that burned down, I would still consider those fires a tragedy.

especially not on larger displays like 60"+ TVs.