Justin Schroeder

While I agree with the learned author of this article that this book is misguided, it is because the infants in question should not be fed the paleo diet but should, instead, be the feed in the paleo diet. As such, I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least

You're simultaneously hilarious and pathetic.

I miss 2001's Boxer, who had one of the most infamous runs in a Starcraft tournament history. It was easily over 70% matches won with at least 4 major championships in that one year.

If Chicago was gone, I don't think any other city would make sense.

I'm tempted to point out that, if at least half of congress were killed in some horrific terrorist attack, it might actually make our government work better, not worse ;-)

What the fuck? Is it April Fools? 7 ate 9?

It looks like the fat, humpbacked sister of the girl you actually want to date, the F-22... ;-)

Objectively: essentially the same capabilities, but $100 more expensive and not available until 2015.

My entry (taking it back to 2009):

Vaccines do not always have a 100% efficacy rate. Polio and measles vaccines are, IIRC, about 99% effective, which means you can eradicate the disease from a good deal of the population via vaccines and the other 1% will receive herd immunity as the disease will lack the hosts that can effectively spread it.

So yes,

Oh it's just an AMA app? I'll stick with Alien Blue

And 13 Championships....BOOM!

The biggest problem is agriculture. Some 80% of CA's water is used for farming and livestock.

This is a gorgeous weapon.

Well, it's 2014 US of A. We want people locked in prison for sending spam emails, copying DVDs, recording movies, sending nude pics of themselves to friends...hell, we just want everyone locked up. I bet every citizen probably breaks 100 laws a year, not even including speeding.

I don't have any kids, but personally I think I would rather be embarrassing them. Maybe spend $100 on lessons and then force them to wear a dweeby headband anyway.

My Arctic Spyder laser. I mean, I don't use it "aimlessly", but I try to find uses to justify its purchase. (I've used it while building a patio roof; it was great to burn holes at the wood where screws should go from a large distance).

Its from attack on titan, a popular anime. The controls for their wire shooting jetpacks look like that.

Don't lie. You'll go see it anyway. We all will.

Yeah, but the Leaf is still ugly. I wouldn't want to spend thousands of dollars on something I'm embarrassed to drive.