Both Dota and LOL only have one map that matters.
Both Dota and LOL only have one map that matters.
Both Dota and LOL only have one map that matters.
I don’t think you’d find your assumptions validated if you did a little digging. Even the best writers need editors. Name your favorite author, I guarantee they have an editor, and that they make many of the same mistakes you see on websites like this.
The steam hubs are actually the only way you can over come the cold. Once you get down passed -70 I think, you need level 4 power and then need to add overdrive to overcome the extreme cold. The steam hubs output the exact same heat as the generator, and thus take all of the benefits from overdrive and the additional…
I don’t think the quality of the whole really matters. When you look at that generation, there were only 10-15 games that even mattered, that weren’t on the ps2.
I keep wanting him to yell out RYA’C, or O’Neill!
I felt the same way for the first 10-15 hours. But I’ve found that the difficulty just never really ramps up. You just get more powerful, and better at the game, while the enemies gain some new abilities, and a few variations but never really get more difficult. Your first troll battle, essentially the same as your…
Right now it is. I was saying that if blizz was to try and implement something, that pushing for English would make the most sense.
The thing about it though, is they don’t do that during the game. There isn’t enough time. All of their strategies are created during planning, kind of like football. So during the actual matches the primary call outs are just target prioritization.
It would probably make the most sense for blizzard to push all the teams to either speak English or Korean, with a little more emphasis on English. Its going to be by far the most common language in the league, and FAR and away the most common language spoken by the viewers.
Seeing as the PS1 outsold the Genesis and the SNES combined, I would say it was pretty anecdotal... lol
Again as previously mentioned already. They are only in LA for the first season. The plan is for every team to have a home “stadium” in their home city. It was just easier to get everything up and running, and to Blizzards standards to have it all in one location this year.
If you’re enjoying doing this kind of thing Jason, you should play Factorio.
They didn’t strip Conor because they had so little confidence that the fight would actually happen. What if it came down to the weight cut, and one of them missed? Now they’ve preemptively stripped their largest star for no reason at all. That’s also why Dana has said multiple times, “As soon as a punch is thrown,…
Epic’s not a AAA dev?
If you only compare games that are closer, of course its not WOW. It’s totally unfair to compare a game close to the end of one generation to the beginning of the other. Its like racing a tuned up Honda Civic, vs a stock Porsche. Sure the Porsche should still win, but it won’t be by a huge margin. But if you were to…
COD and Battlefield were just placeholders for online multiplayer games that people play with friends. You could insert Halo, Overwatch, RocketLeague, Destiny, w.e games you wanted there. And I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that Sony would bring more people over if they had cross play and could play with their Xbone friends.
I think what you’re describing is why the Xbox one has a large percentage of its sales. I think that for the most part everyone see’s that the PS4 is the system to have if you care at all about games outside of games like COD and battlefield. But SO many people have all of their friends on Xbox, that they didn’t want…
You could say either, couldn’t you? :D
Just going to leave this here......