Justin Schroeder

I think there isn’t any real reason to believe that Jesus wasn’t real. What he may or may not have done or said, is a different story.

What about Frankenstein? (1818)

Do you even read what you type? The majority of the people on this site are no more than one generation removed from the beginning of rock and roll. I’d also be willing to bet that 50%+ are younger than Mario. At best rock and roll is 30 years older than Mario, as the term Rock and roll wasn’t coined until the 50's.

No one is paying attention because Tom Delonge sounds absolutely Looney Tunes when he talks about it. Listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast with him. Tom went on the podcast specifically to talk about his company and what they have, and the entire time say nothing other than “I can’t talk about that.” It came off as a mad

Lol first thing I did, was go straight into the deadzone thinking I was going to the lost river..... Was about 500 ft down before I realized, and that was when I saw the Ghost leviathan... haha

The first time you come across a warper with the cyclops, and realize it can’t warp you is magical.

If you thought that fight was boring, you should just switch to watching a different combat sport. The Miocic/Ngannou fight was as exciting as almost any fight in the last year.

OWL has a T2 league as well.... It’s called contenders.

That’s a pretty bold statement about a marquee studio, who has been making industry best games for for 20 years, and been making games for more than 30. I think a lot of people forget that turnover at Naughty dog happens a lot. Both of the founders left just after uncharted one. Then after uncharted 3 most of the

It’s been interesting in FPS games to see longevity though. There are some relatively old players in the OWL as well. For example RyuJehong is 26, and is considered by many to be one of the 5-10 best players in the world. I don’t think the PC FPS eSports scene is old enough yet to really get a gauge on how long a

The point was not that what you were stating as your temperatures was incorrect. The point was that they are A. WAY outside of the norm (95% of people don’t let their house get below 60F), and B. that after your your computer has run for more than 20-30 minutes (possibly longer, since he has a decent sized radiatior)

I’m not confused at all by the temperature. I knew 9c was about 50f. All I was saying is, 50F inside is DAMN cold. (INB4 “50F is not that cold!” its currently 1F outside here, I know cold)

Sorry, this is not good information. First of all, your liquid cooler will never ever cool below ambient room temps after its warmed up. 9c is CRAZY cold for a room indoors I could see 12 or 15, but 9c is wearing multiple layers or a coat cold. 20C Sounds more on point, but there’s no way that you’re doing anything

*For this season. After the first season the plan is for every team to have home/away games like any regular sport.

It’s actually really common in Korea. For example, one of the biggest starcraft 2 pros ever was “MC” who’s name is Jang Min-Chul, or “TY” Jun Tae Yang.

See but the next console generation I think is going to be the most interesting to date, exactly because of the answer to your first point. Will they play last gens games? I think the answer will almost have to be yes because of the X86 architecture. So in theory backwards compatibility is going to be enormously more

No one under 18 can join, so in theory, yes, a high school dropout could join the OWL. But to add to that, its different in esports vs regular sports. For the most part even at 16, a player is going to be in their prime. Whereas, something like basket ball for Football, someone at 16 is going to be nowhere near ready

I totally get what you are saying here. But this whole Farve vs Eli comparison has to stop. Brett Farve won 3 League MVPS, in-a-row.... Brett finished his career as the leader in the majority of major qb stats, and consistently was one of the best QB’s in the league for nearly 2 decades. Eli has zero MVPs, will finish

No Raid specific guns or armor? Have you done the raid? There’s a full set of raid armor and guns. There may not be strike specific loot, but there is planet specific loot. And random rolls was just a time/currency sink anyways.

Talk to me about the packer Mega-Millionaire who he was playing for.....