Did you have temporal filtering on?
Did you have temporal filtering on?
Cecillia may have forgone doing a DIY build and found a Jem, but be careful. Most places won’t have prebuilt systems like this for competitive prices like her’s. That’s why there are so many DIY evangelists out there, because most of the time it will be cheaper to build and buy yourself.
Well the PSU is an EVGA, the MoBo is an MSI, and the Graphics card is a Zotac (okay not the greatest GPU but still). Idk how they cut corners by buying brand name good quality parts. Go to PC Part Picker and build the rig yourself, its actually a pretty competitive price. Actually, I already did. See it for…
I’ve got a feeling you’ve got a population issue, not a bad server issue.
Your settings aren’t right then. I could consistently get over 100 FPS on a 970.
Doom has really long loading times on a high end pc with an NVME m.2 ssd.
I would find it very hard to believe that its launch rested solely on its Japanese launch when it was already well established that the western market was much larger for home consoles. I wouldn’t doubt at all that they would consider it a success or a failure based on its Japanese launch, but would not believe that…
I don’t disagree. But did it inflate them by more than 50%? The ps2 sold north of 20 million units in Japan, and the ps3 around 10 million.
What are you talking about? Global sales numbers don’t matter? 75% of all ps1 sales were OUTSIDE of Japan.
Not really.... look at sales. Every generation the sales in Japan have gone down substantially.
I’m not so sure it’s shrunk at all. 290 million is over inflated by two factors, dead consoles and non gamer purchases. How many millions of Wii’s did grandparents and adults who don’t game buy for Wii sports and Wii fitness? I’d be willing to guess its a large number. I’d be surprised if the actual figures for…
I’d be cautious with the hope for Japanese exclusives. The Japanese console market is essentially dying.
Okay lets put it this way. Rayman was also a launch title, it sold more than double of what Ridge Racer and Tekken sold combined.
Winston in his current form is 100% viable. So here’s a question for you. You said you are in goldish right? How many good Genji’s do you see? If as I suspect the answer is not many, do you think he needs a rework?
I think this is a total skill tier issue. At gold and lower no one knows how to play him, they just jump in and die. There’s actually a good amount of finesse in playing winston that is lost on most people. You need to know when to jump in, who to target, how to place his shield and when to disengage, and if you…
·I’m sorry, I should have said I’ve never seen one go all the way to 05.... even though yours went to 04... not 05
That’s fine that you have a source. But as I said different reputable sources state different things. For example http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/04/25/millennials-overtake-baby-boomers/.
A shuttle exploded after 9/11. Challenger exploded in 86, and Columbia in 03.
There is no “correct” answer. Different reputable sources list different dates. But no one goes all the way to 05, that is 5+ years later than the vast majority of sources.
Its only 6? I thought it was more, oh well.