Justin Schroeder

But it is NOT possible for the Scorpio to be that powerful and be that cheap. They are talking about GTX1080 levels of power, and that gpu even for someone like Microsoft would still be 300+ per unit. Add in the costs of all of the other components, design, shipping and marketing, and you’re at at least $600.

I don’t know if that is a shift in the studio as much as it is the personality of Bruce and Neil. I think it just kinda so happens that they have helmed the last three games, so it seems like a shift in the tone of the Studio. I do COMPLETELY agree with your thought on Left Behind though. Its got to be one of the

I didn’t say there wouldn’t be an audience, nor that 3 hours would be too long for me. However, its harder for a movie to be that long and have mass appeal without a built in fan base. There’s a reason most movies are around an hour and a half to two hours.

While I understand what you are saying, and don’t disagree with you.... Do you really think Kojima could keep a movie less than 3 hours long?

Dom has been a head coach a few times, just never with great results. Ironically, the only time one of his teams ever made it to the Playoffs he lost in the NFC championship game, to the Packers..... But he’s also 66 and has been a coordinator or better for almost 30 years, so if anyone was going to hire him, they’d

Yeah i know what you mean..... I just passed 2k rockets on one of my maps, and these videos still make me feel like a novice.

I think in factorio you’d actually be limited by the amount you can zoom out. It looks like he’s all the way zoomed out as it is.

The learning curve is really tough until you automate your first thing. Once you automate something from ore to finished product without intervention it just kinda clicks. After that its really all just optimization and base planning and design.

It was actually 5 Take downs on the score sheet.

Well I guess its a good thing Slayers was like ridiculously good back then.

It was a different time though as well. Favre just popped a few more pills and he was good to go no matter what happened to him. I can’t speak for what Montana or Young were like, but Favre wouldn’t let them take him out of the game unless he was physically unable to do it.

Be glad you were that high. Getting out of the lower/mid 50's is absolute hell.

Right, which is why I said that before. But the argument I think can still be made for Pokemon. Sony at one point had a 20% stake in Square Enix, and i don’t think anyone would argue that they were a 2nd party dev for sony for years.

Lol so Pokemon is first party because Nintendo owns 33% of the Pokemon Company, and naughty dog, media molecule are second party while Sony owns 100% of each?

I don’t really think so. Microsoft has taken pretty much everything in-house at this point, and you could make an argument that Pokemon is 2nd party. The only big 2nd party games I can think of at this point are Insomniac games, with Ratchet and Clank on PS4.

Does anyone else find the outrage in these comments to be a little silly? Does no one remember that the 360 came out with new models every 2-3 years as well? I mean for crying out loud people the elite came out 2 years after the og 360 and was an upgrade in every way but graphics.

I think the reason its so hard to believe is that Uncharted is one of the most critically acclaimed game series in the past decade. I would think that most of us are thinking that anyone who is engaged enough to comment on a Kotaku article would be well versed on who makes the biggest game franchises.

I didn’t say they were hard.... lol there were just dumb fights. You have to do this specific thing and counter this specific thing to win or you will get your ass kicked. It was just dumb. Heaven and Hell worked but spending a bunch of time on Cactuar island is where I farmed, then i just crafted all the magic I

Not at all forgotten. There are a good amount of people hoping for a port/remaster.

8 was one of the worst/best to finish. The lead up to the end is one of my favorites in any game, then you get to the final area and the whole place is just full of bullshit bosses. And the final boss sucks. The ending cutscene is excellent but doesn’t really feel worth all that you just went through in the final area.