Jatta Pake

Shh! It’s not a silent killer if you tell everyone about it!

I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

Or the “You’re playing into their hands!” crowd, you know, because not playing into their hands has been so effective. Or, you know, as if we should fucking care, anymore, about what they think of us since they think that about us, anyway.

In these trying times, it’s great to see we can all still unite and hate Duke.

General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...

“DON’T YOU BELIEVE IN FREE SPEECH?!” Is the most bullshit defense I have ever heard in regards to ideologies that ethnic cleansing should ever be a thing. It is for this reason I ABSOLUTELY have no qualms about decking a facist in the face.

That is how facists gain power. They count on everyone being polite and giving them equal time/opportunity to build their platform and then next thing you know they’re the 45th President of the United States.

Seriously, (“Nazi snowflakes” - so good haha) every single one of these alt-right guys has really convinced themselves that they are not only unique in their line of thinking, but that they miiiiight be able to bring us around too, if we’d only just listen for a minute. And when the world collectively tells them to

He was not arrested, prosecuted or jailed for the vile garbage he was spouting, therefore, his freedom of speech was not infringed upon. He was punched in his disgusting face by a fellow private citizen, who now potentially faces prosecution for assault, a consequence the puncher certainly knew was possible and

As a gay person with trans friends, we’re going to move that “punch you in the face” goal posts back just a bit.

“ like how you had nothing of worth to say so decided to gray me. Good on you Jason. Always easier to attempt to silence those that prove you wrong than to have any actual points. What a sad pathetic person.”

I think the reality is more like, your opinions are stupid and beneath him and at the end of the day it’s you

What you are describing is the paradox of tolerance. As Karl Popper said, “Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the

Nope. You are wrong. Nazis can and should be met with physical violence whenever and wherever they show their faces.

IMO, a Neo-Nazi is just the same as an Old Nazi. Kill them all before they spread. Given the choice to kill Hitler and his goons before they spread, anyone would take it. Nothing new about them here but the fact that they’re going the “peaceful” route because they know they don’t have the power or numbers to do it

Let’s make this very clear. The belief that, say, transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to use the bathrooms of their choice is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that women shouldn’t have the right to control their own bodies is disgusting, and I disagree with it. The belief that blacks and Jews should

Yep. In cases like this is, it isn’t even violence; it’s self defense.

Punch these fuckers into the god damn ground.

Dude, Nazis. NAZIS. They should be lined up and shot.

No, the load of horseshit is insisting that Trump and his ilk exist in a vacuum where historical context is, at most, coincidence.

“Maple-humping ice farmers” is just a fantastic insult.