Victims are still minors and asked for the record to be destroyed to protect their identity.
Victims are still minors and asked for the record to be destroyed to protect their identity.
How much of this frustration is born out of the fact that “traditional” parenting has been abandoned by society?
Why is everyone driving on the wrong side of the road?
Parental rights would have been terminated in California.
I can't fathom why parental rights aren't terminated in such circumstances.
It's interesting that my comment was one of the first thirty replies to this article, but over a thousand replies after mine get approved while mine stays gray. Rather than participate in intelligent discussion, this blog seems like it just wants an echo chamber of agreement by comment makers.
Hehe. I had on the brain. Should have been "is stocked with fresh food."
Correlation doesn't mean causation. Just because fewer convicted criminals are atheist/secularist doesn't mean atheism/secularism are the cause of fewer crimes. Atheism and secularism are clearly luxuries of the wealthy educated and privileged in Western countries. I don't say that to bash atheists or secularists, but…
Project Zomboid is still in alpha development and I expect more refinement in this concept of "overcoming yourself". Combat, while simplistic compared to FPS, is far from frustrating in PZ. It requires serious tactical considerations. One shot from your gun could bring hundreds of zombies down on you. If you are…
I'm always in the mood for a great survival game, so why do so many leave me feeling cold? Is there any game that's done survival well?
Much better than the plumpy Kim, used up Kourtney, and she-beast Kloe. Say what you will, but Bruce has far better genetics than Old Lawyer Kardashian and OJ. These new ones are a lot easier on the eyes.
I'm forever in the greys. Sigh.
What style is allowed for black girls? Or are they expected to spend big bucks to chemically perm their hair into straightness? And what about color besides blonde? Do black girls have to dye their hair, too?
Seriously? I thought violent hate speech that advocated the raping of women was considered misogyny? Yet 10 stars from Jezebel commenters. Sad.
I don't think people who are complaining have even read the context around this picture. It was a cute teaching moment. Palin isn't advocating using dogs as step stools. That is absurd and a made up fantasy by people who are too blinded by hatred to see reality.
Not a single expert on dogs has criticized Palin for snapping a cute picture. Anyone calling this dog abuse has never seen real animal abuse. It was a cute teaching moment immortalized by a split second snap of a camera phone.
What? Why are you anthropomorphizing the dog? How can you know what hurts a dog? I hate having fingernails raked across my belly but the dogs I train love it.
Stop anthropomorphizing the dog. Not a single expert on dogs has criticized or indicated Trig did any harm to the dog.
"The Lab is absolutely chill with Trig standing on him". Just to clarify, from my extensive observation of Labs, it's clear to me from the picture that the Lab is unstressed. Likely, he feels intensely proud for helping his friend.
I strongly dislike Sarah Palin and I am a fanatical dog lover. But I really don't see the harm. She encountered a humorous situation and snapped a picture. It's funny. Kids and dogs do funny shit.