Jatta Pake

"Abortion is not destruction of life."

Please provide a single source showing that pro-choice means anything other than "favoring the legalization of abortion".

Justify to whom?

I don't disagree. "Should be allowed" and "Yet it's still immoral" are too different things though.

I really wasn't trying to troll. I was just trying to understand how someone could have such an extreme position on abortion. I guess it basically just boils down to a belief system similar to religion. At the end of the day, it's really no different than the ultra Christian conservative beliefs. Both positions

I'm sorry but I wasn't criticizing you personally. But I concede that your moral calculations are different from mine.

Pro-choice means keeping the government out of restricting a woman's right to choose. It's the business of a woman and her doctor, and the government needs to stay the fuck out.

You are conflating pregnancy with parenting. You can be pregnant without resulting in becoming a parent. It's called Adoption. So you can have "lack of preggers" at the end without the BABY.

Avoiding the unnecessary destruction of animal life tends to be a primary component of all moral codes across humanity. So it's really not my "golden rule". Many also oppose the unnecessary destruction of other forms of life like plant life. I'd be fascinated to learn what moral codes promote the unnecessary

I think you mean you don't think "human" life begins at conception when cells start multiplying. If you believe life itself doesn't exist after conception until birth, you may need to enroll in some Biology 101 classes. I think we can both agree that abortion destroys life but you believe this life is not human.

Thank you for the discussion. Have a Happy New Year.

"An abortion is a safe and simple medical procedure"

You are conflating pregnancy with parenting in half your argument. As you noted earlier, they are two different things.

I disagree that we need these stories. I do not think the reduction of stress surrounding casual abortion would be a positive development. If anything, it allows the opponents of legal abortion to paint supporters as immoral agents. I don't mean to touch on your personal experience so forgive me in advance. But I

Why can't something be both a medical and moral decision?

"Until you can tell me how a woman who finds herself pregnant and does not wish to be, can not be pregnant without having an abortion"

The only alternative to pregnancy is abortion? It's not like someone wakes up pregnant like they have an impacted wisdom tooth that just happened. I support reproductive freedoms but all freedoms require responsibility. Glamorizing the destruction of life for pleasure is wrong whether the life is a bull in a bull

Can someone explain why so many Russians have dash cams? What's the purpose? And if there is a purpose, why don't we have more of these in America?

Actually, there should be given the alternatives that abound. I think only a sociopath would find no shame in abortion rather than choosing adoption.

But didn't Nicki just admit she used abortion as a form of birth control? Isn't she promoting these beliefs in dummies? She didn't have an abortion to save her life or any other medical related reasons. No indication she tried any other means of birth control. And she chose abortion over alternatives like adoption.