
A thought occurred to me; that Earth-89 scene just retconned the Joker’s apparent death in Batman 89 based on the newspaper Knox is reading.

I’ve never played Chrono Trigger, but I was always interested in it. I got the chance to see about it thanks to Chuggaconroy’s LP, and I completely agree with your statement. I would just hope they’d make it possible not to include the grindtastic added content.

Now all I can hear is your comment going “Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi!”

After how it went for him I could understand him distrusting the current situations as a matter of rule. He got screwed hard, after all. And he does make good points about people not understanding the messaging in things like V and Watchmen.

Florida wouldn’t convict him if he shot a black judge in full view of the jury. Florida sucks.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

She’s a monumentally stupid person. Two to one she would understand only every third word, and probably think you’re being nice to her.

Of course. Well played.

Basically, “if you don’t like the way we do policing, get fucked.”

The fact that Bond is retired at the start of this should put anything to bed about Lashana “can’t be” 007 and all that “WAAH WAAH” racist bullshit, as though a government agency such as that wouldn’t reassign the number after the previous individual vacates it.

I spotted a Polygon(I think) video that came across my YouTube recommendations, wherein they made every recipe done in Zelda Breath of the Wild. I haven’t watched it yet, but the game did show some interesting ideas for eats that, depending on that video, I may be able to make happen/may be willing to have happen.

I imagine the place was struggling to begin with, which wouldn’t surprise me not because it’s Kid Rock, but because the Pistons and Wings both suck epically this season (tho the Pistons can be somewhat respectable) so projections are probably not meeting up.

See, I figure since human flesh tastes like chicken, perhaps Subway is just in the process of changing its name to Soylent Green-Way.

LOL I’ve had that happen once before; it was a Tommy Boy line in that case, the bees scene: “Your firearms are useless against them!”

That would make sense. What would the point of bringing Blofeld and Spectre back into things if you’re not going to refresh their most famous operatives like No, Goldfinger, the original Number Two, and so forth.

Johnny is great, largely because they just let him improvise everything he did. There’s no issue to me about it aging any particular kind of way knowing that aspect of the production.


It’s the room in the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that’s not important right now.

What I don’t get is how people don’t realize that the all female scene is a callback to Infinity War, complete with the same line being said, just upping the help to a much grander scale.

This needs a *mic drop* connotation at the end, cuz that’s about all there is to say.