I hope the takeaway for people is that it’s okay to talk to someone, to seek help, and not that “oh this is a quick fix, let’s just do that.”
I hope the takeaway for people is that it’s okay to talk to someone, to seek help, and not that “oh this is a quick fix, let’s just do that.”
Underrated comment. +1
There is no other result.
They have four kids
Sweet Jesus. How can anyone who was alive at the time not know what the macarena moves are? It’s been forever and they’re burned into my brain. Uncultured swine is right.
A memory, distinctly: Flipping it upside down in order for it to work properly.
Gotta fire at least some of those douchebags who were named, Riot. That’s the only way you can truly get over and prove you’re serious.
The oddball thing in my house is that I’m the massive Star Wars nerd. I can quote the original trilogy from memory. I waited in line for Episode 1 tickets. When RoS comes out, I’ll have seen all of the new trilogy on pre-opening night.
Well, I’m a huge Star Wars fan, have been my whole life. And I gotta say that I love Billy Dee for this, among other things. Dude is freaking awesome. Him having this openness is going to help so many people, and it just tracks into the Lando character perfectly. Donald Glover’s portrayal of that character made a lot…
She probably doesn’t know what the definition of the word “is” is. If she has two functioning brain cells, then all that goes on up there is they occasionally bump into each other in the dark, trying desperately to find the flashlight.
Tooooo beeeee faiirrrrr…..
This is interesting; last week I literally finished watching the YouTube postings of slowbeef’s stream of God of War 4, and I was a week or two behind on the start of it when I discovered it. There was no evidence that slowbeef did any editing of the more gory, and admittedly hilarious, kills to comply with any sort…
Some people have entire other families, as we’ve seen. The balancing act is a remarkable one.
When the year started, a Switch wasn’t on my dartboard of potential consoles to purchase. I hadn’t owned something Nintendo since the SNES. Adopting LP subscriptions on YouTube, and following as most of them play Nintendo games from the Wii and newer, I knew that the Switch would be something that I could get that…
Yeah Chugga still ribs him about them from time to time. I watch the trio all the time but I haven’t gotten to watch Jon’s streams, tho I think I understand he’s gonna start uploading them to his YouTube channel, which is nice cuz my ability to use Twitch live is minimal.
Yeah I watched Proton Jon and Psychedelic Eyeball do those back in the day, and it was good comedy. Tho I recall Jon may have blitzed one level without a save or death at one point, I can’t find the video anymore.
To be fair, nobody is good at Kaizo levels, even the guys who have actually beaten the original Kaizo game have had to save umpteen million times to do it.
Mario Odyssey waits for me to pick it up from the store tomorrow afternoon. After a dinner at a raucous rathskeller downtown, the rest of the weekend is mine for using my sentient cap as my own personal murder device. There will be much rejoicing.
You just say that because it freezes worse than an exposed ball sac in an Alaskan winter.
Oh, the games sales...I’m in a tough spot because the birthday is next week and I invariably get some cash/gift cards. So I bought Mario Odyssey, which I pick up tomorrow, also a 128 GB memory card ($20!). I look forward to awkwardly possessing things like a hat-shaped demon.