
If it follows the original there will eventually be a treasure there.

And never forget to take them again when you come back!

Yeah it worked for me perfectly, so much so that it’s rage inducing to watch it now with the tacked on “NOooooooooooo!”

That’s good. I’ve heard what is spoilers if true and I want to learn the accuracy of the statements.

I didn’t see anything that I felt spoiled anything. But somebody on one of my discord channels is claiming he has seen ppl who have the game already that are saying that there’s a sort of JJ Abrams/Star Trek Time travel history change attempt element and that it’s not an actual remake as such.

MST3K and Rifftrax also have 24/7 Twitch channels.

Multiplayer and champions road.

I’m all about playing 3D World even tho I know full well that there are numerous parts that are nightmare inducing!

Bruh you can skip that animation. Found that out by accident. I think it’s just an extra tap of the button.

Don’t even joke. That situation is the last thing we need right now.

Neal McDonough is so incredible. I wish he could be on this show forever.

You’ve gotta scroll pretty far down in the IMDb trivia section but there are multiple posts that address that notion and how it is incorrect.

IDK but the guess I’ve always had is that it will wrap up at the end of the bike race scene when they’re looking out over the world before them.

My memory is fuzzy as I haven’t reread in a while, but I do think I met Winston in a Hellblazer comic. Don’t quote me, though.

Hellblazer, mate. Hellraiser is the guy with the pins in his head. Cheers otherwise, though.

*lights cigarette*

Oh geez.

The reason it’s not happening anymore? An herb.

I’ve seen every episode of this show, good and bad, and I got to get a nice pic with Stephen year before last. My friend who got me watching is responsible for all this, and I am glad to have invested all this time in the show. Worth every minute.

True, though my appearance in season 4 was supposed to be a one off with no real belief there’d be a time when I would ever return. And yet.