
And also that his brain is apparently tuned into the radio frequencies used by the tinfoil hat brigade.

Gah, every single thing he said made my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head. I’m gonna need some pain reliever.

I think this is a situation where her being Supergirl is going to probably help people, as well. She’s an incredible role model for young women, and this continues to solidify my belief in that supposition.

I had to do the research. If anyone had doubts, this is 100% true.

Make that day after day, and I’ll agree completely.

Well, dang. Tho given the state of affairs and herbs, it’s probably a wise move.

Here’s what Joel had to say in the e-mail to Kickstarter backers;

Listening is good.

Eh, they’re good for snacks too. Telway’s my jam, as is Hunter House in Birmingham...really any of them.

A new location for Florida Man to do his thing.

WTF is wrong with white people?

It’s My Life was the first song I 5-starred on expert in Rock Band, as well as the song that got me into Bon Jovi in the first place; my 80's rock during the actual 80's was all over the place and my parents listened to the 70's and 60' stuff, so I was slightly behind...

I’m now and have always been a huge Star Wars fan, and I agree completely with you about how the actual Force is being distorted by the games. From Yoda as well: “The Force is used for knowledge and defense. Never for attack.”

My thought was always “within reason.” Like, I wasn’t gonna spend ten minutes figuring out whether you had too much stuff. The only time I ever approached that situation was if it was pretty obvious.

I don’t like other people as a rule. Always online gaming is annoying shit. I didn’t like it when Diablo 3 rolled out, and my mind hasn’t changed. I’m sometimes amazed I got all the hardcore achievements because of the constant threat of lag or disconnect that hovers over, which can then cause your non ressurectable

A (slightly more devious) variation on this from another group member: Tape their sight words to your bedroom door and tell your kids they’re the “passwords” to enter in the morning. 

Addams Family Values is everyone’s thanksgiving in the era of Biff.

Right there with you. Everyone I know has enjoyed TLJ. I loved the risks it took and the different directions things went; it felt like new ground was broken and it stepped away from conventions in a way that TFA did not. I don’t know why so many people complain about it being boring or whatnot. Not the experience I

It’s really weird to watch so many in this section criticize Lucas for the prequels, and cite their disappointment with those movies as the reason Lucas should get off his high horse in this conversation.

This is why Russia’s operation was so successful; they bet hard that Zuck and his ilk would prioritize profit, which would allow them to do basically whatever they wanted. And they were right. They know how the rich in America work.