
I’m much more concerned with the way that roll of toilet paper is put on the hanger thingy.  It’s backwards you animal!

Now it’s time for all of those talented players to come together and win some silverware for Tottenham.

I love pointing this out to everyone who will listen which might be why everyone keeps scootching away from me at the bar. COYS!

Current: 13*
Former: 6

The sad thing is that I actually drink room temperature water by preference, and I look at empty patches of wall with my glasses off when I’m feeling stressed out. I also enjoy vanilla ice cream, plain yogurt, and oatmeal without anything added to it.

If you’re the kind of person who hates ashes, sure.

Never mind that, what kind of sick bastard asks a woman to salsa dance with him?

I mostly thought it was a modern day updating of Abe Sapiens’ backstory from the Hellboy comics.

Her scars didn’t become gills.  She died.  Richard Jenkins imagines a happier ending for her.  Feel better now?

As a dude I cannot answer that.

Somebody postet this a while ago (I can’t vouch for the content. I honestly didn’t have the stomach to read it myself yet, sorry):

These could be the decisive moves that put Arsenal in 5th

PEASANT REVOLUTIONARY: I thought we were an autonomous collective?

Raping a bad guy in retaliation for him raping someone else doesn’t even the score at Good Guys 1- Bad Guys 1. It makes it Rape 2, Civilization 0.


(1) Separatism is not going to make men recognize feminists as reasonable people who just want to be treated as people. The men who get it and are helping spread the word are our allies. They belong here as allies.

Don’t know how to create spoilers with Kinja, so take the text below and run it through rot13.com.

I haven’t seen this yet, but it seems unfair to me that someone with a rotten character flaw can’t also carry some good in them. Otherwise everyone’s just a stereotype, and that’s not particularly interesting.

I don’t see the ending as a redemption for McDormand or Rockwell.

“National Champion” Alabama - 1 loss