
I love that the response from the team looks like they stole the design from the fake release.

Best answer for these whatabouters?


I like this from a book I read a few decades ago.

I’m gay. My right to equal marriage is far less important than healthcare access, than the minimum wage, than workplace discrimination, than the erosion of the middle and working classes, than access to education, than school segregation, etc.

Logging is illegal in National Parks. I believe you are thinking about National Forests.

3.5 hours and Nats still have 3 at bats to go.

It’s funny how we forget things, I vaguely remember hearing about ben affleck groping a vj. I guess predators have to stick together.

Now playing

you youts don’t remember it do ya....it supposed to be....

its about 146 minutes, give or take...

Fewer. Fewer is for countable amounts, such as “10 people.”

It was improbable, but a better throw — or a better-fielded throw — from the relay man would’ve nailed Taylor at the plate anyway. Like if, say, Michael A. Taylor had been trying to throw himself out, like when he fucking nailed Nick Williams at the plate to save the game (again) with a throw that seemed to actually

Tottenham will get knocked out of the Champions League so that they could get on with the more serious challenge of qualifying for the Champions League.

He was the HBP to break up Scherzer’s perfect game, no?