
Ew! I JUST touched the cup today. Off to wash up.

Maybe it would help if they turned the Expos’ stylized “M” upside down.“

I would like to not forget them. Is anyone keeping a list? ‘Cause I need a copy.

Another Darling comment of note: “Tyler” Corbin will be pitching in game one in LA.

Bitter? This one is jubilant.

He’s already walking it back.

Castro’s done. Not that he had a chance but now it’s over.

Those pesky Nats.

The hole in the popcorn bucket trick.

Most whites owned . . .”

I really want a TAMPONTREAL EX-RAYS T-shirt now.

He makes Harper look good, on and off the field.

We too have eaten from the desk. It was on a bring-your-child-to-work-day tour.

Everybody so spoiled.

Nats fan here. I won’t be booing Harper tonight, just a polite clapping.

A lot of these suggestions I would eat, no doubt. But the food to beat here is pizza. If you set any of these choices on the table next to a box of pizza, I truly believe the pizza would go first. And those who missed out will spend the rest of the meeting pissed about missing out on pizza. Don’t get me wrong, we are

There was just no time to reply to the ``Would You Like To Know More’’ warning on the control panel.

One thing I forgot to ask him while he was in DC, and I stood next to him for a pic at Winterfest, was if he wears the magic underwear to games. Could you be a good fan and ask for me?

Bigger question: What’s with her new accent? I saw her interviewed in 2016 and she sounds totally different.