That only works if you don’t do track days, your track bike is a Goldwing, or you have a friend with a truck and trailer who hauls all your stuff to the track for you.
That only works if you don’t do track days, your track bike is a Goldwing, or you have a friend with a truck and trailer who hauls all your stuff to the track for you.
Electric car for the mundane. Motorcycle for fun. Problem solved.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
Life hack: if your answer is “no,” then the meaning of the question becomes irrelevant
With a fever that high, I guess it shows that even Olympic horses can be too hot to trot.
The Four Rules
When President Trump brings all those jobs back to our shores, America will produce nothing but Chinese flags.
Are you reading this, Pulitzer committee?
America to Philly: Stop turning dumpsters into cities.
Foxtrot Alpha, dickface.
I dunno. As someone nowhere near the income level to own either, my limited experience is that Ferrari attracts the narcisists and Lambo attracts the psychopaths.
People’s reputations tend to preceed them. I doubt it’s the first time he’s acted like a jackass, so it wouldn’t be a shocker if they already knew he was a bit of a prick and that alone put them off.
But was he also denied a new Ford GT? And is he whining about that too?
28,000 kilometers is like 5 miles.
She’s a good bike, loves her rider
Loves wheelies and stopies too
She’s a good bike, crazy ‘bout track days
Loves apex’s and her rider too
It’s a long day livin’ in track garages
There’s a race track runnin’ through the yard
And I’m a bad rider, ‘cause I don’t even miss her
I’m a bad boy for breakin’ her forks
And I’m free,…
Is Whitehorse or Yellowknife not an option? Cause I'm pretty sure I shoulda gotten one of them, not Montreal...