I loved the hell out of both those features in my '84.
I loved the hell out of both those features in my '84.
Yep, luckily my 821 hyper is only every 18k, but it was still $2k. Crazy. Also oil changes are around $200 and sure you can do it at home, but you can’t reset the light without the dealer.
“won’t be obnoxiously uncomfortable to another user”
Actually, if they are pass travelers there is likely to be a stricter dress code. As someone who grew up traveling on passes often, we were only recently allowed to wear jeans and sneakers. It has relaxed in the last few years but it was always enforced.
Yes, petroleum fuel tolerates high heat much better than Lithium Ion.
It’s far from unstoppable. It is unstoppable by a remote command, meaning there is no way to tell the missile “oops, I didn’t really mean to launch, go ahead and self destruct instead of hitting your target.”
I’ve bought two motorcycles (yes, they are different than cars but still dealers) on a credit card. One at a Harley Davidson dealer, and one at a BMW dealer who is also (according to them) one of the few dealers that has cars AND motorcycles. I even did all my paperwork in the car area of the dealership, and they had…
Actually, I’m pretty sure you can buy a car with a credit card as long as it’s under your credit line.
Doesn’t matter since no one here can afford it!
A Ram 1500 doesn’t have enough room, so it needs a 3" lift... but it fits in a Challenger no problem?
They need this waterfall stop sign.
Did anyone really think that there would never be an accident while using Auto-pilot? This is a very complex technology that is having to adapt to a very complex world, of course it is going to take some time to get out of beta and be able to deal with. I think the fact that:
Just use the Fuel Shark while you charge.
Security cameras also usually have to work in very low light. It is expensive to make a sensor that works well in low light, that’s why they are of low picture quality.
Don’t buy the cheapest gear. You’re going to wear it ALL the time, so if it’s uncomfortable or bad quality it will only frustrate you. Find something you know you’ll like to wear every single day.
I’m now wishing I could get their fueling map for my 1125R