Came here for this
Came here for this
Maybe they need some ZTL brakes... :)
Would have been better as “la cucaracha”
They definitely contribute to aero. The same bike naked/faired can feel drastically different as soon as buffeting comes in to play. Definitely don’t discount the large differences even small changes in handlebars have though (most nakeds have higher and closer handlebars). That slight seating ergonomics change has a…
Almost everyone has a smart phone these days. It wouldn’t hurt to do a quick video or pics of the interior/exterior of the car when you drop it off. That way you can prove what items were there as well as the condition of the car. It’s a cheap bit of insurance.
We used to use this all the time: If someone in the family had a flight arriving at a time that was really late at night, really early in the morning, or we just didn’t feel like re-arranging our schedule. Just drop the car off in the airport parking lot whenever it is convenient. Lock the keys in the car, and tell…
The Zero SR that it gets the drive train and batteries from only weights about 450lbs, so I don’t think it’s the batteries that bring it up to 600+.
They don’t need to raise your rates after your first accident, they just go ahead and give you the higher rate BEFORE you have any accidents at all! How convenient.
How does this affect James Bond’s smoke screen on his Aston Martin???
Is a CarMax warranty available for it?
Second generation Mitsubishi Eclipse
Maybe they meant "800,000 vehicles between now and 2018"... in which case they are right on track.
Sounds like riding a Harley. Except for the part about attracting attention.
Because that is impossible. You cannot EVER generate more electricity than you would use up in pushing the machine forward. Same reason that you don't see electric cars driving around town with wind turbines strapped on the roof.
Factoring in the per-hour airplane cost, carrier group, and ordinance, it's also the most expensive movie of the year!
Yet one more reason dealerships shouldn't be slapping their names on badges and license plate frames.
In other news, sudden potato shortage in Texas.
I'm not gonna lie, I may have done that before.
Forget the Red Cross paint job, needs Nyan Cat wrap.
I have a hard enough time getting on a plane WITH a ticket. What is her secret?!?!??