
Why isn’t it an EV.

It has a prescribed route with a predictable repeatable range.

It is operated at low speeds and makes frequent stops.

They also seem to be geniuses

They’re still going to charge an arm and a leg for desmo-diode adjustments.

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

Thoughts and prayers

There are plenty of countries with more guns and less problems

Will there be any substitutions allowed at all? What about for allergies? Celiac disease? Vegetarians and vegans? Religious dietary restrictions? People on diets for health reasons, like a low sodium or low cholesterol diet? People on diets to lose weight?

Holy Cow, how tone deaf does an administration have to be to send this guy to the Netherlands? Who wouldn’t have seen this coming?

He ditched us before lunch time! I STILL OWE THIS MAN LUNCH.

I flippin love polenta!

Yup, the “Hey, is that coke in your car? Sorry, that’s ours now. Oh, it was only drywall dust? Sucks to be you, I guess.” people.

“The money reportedly came from Texas drug asset forfeiture funds.”

Will they settle for ill tempered sea bass?

..three police cars arriving at the scene to help Officer Tenderfeels crack the case of The Loud Noise Made Me Feel Ways About Things.