
Why isn’t it an EV.

It has a prescribed route with a predictable repeatable range.

It is operated at low speeds and makes frequent stops.

They also seem to be geniuses

They’re still going to charge an arm and a leg for desmo-diode adjustments.

Holy Cow, how tone deaf does an administration have to be to send this guy to the Netherlands? Who wouldn’t have seen this coming?

He ditched us before lunch time! I STILL OWE THIS MAN LUNCH.

holy shit it was a typo, chill

..three police cars arriving at the scene to help Officer Tenderfeels crack the case of The Loud Noise Made Me Feel Ways About Things.

“Why would the NPS seek to commemorate the activities of an extremist separatist group that advocated the use of violence against our country—a country they perceived as their enemy?” The police group asked in a stunning lack of awareness of irony.

I don’t understand the AP report.

No he’s saying that’s bullshit too.

Seems like CSPD ought to be less worried about the calls coming from journalists, and more worried about the calls

This exactly. The V Rod is a prime example along with Buell.

We are Froot.

Taking your lead from telecom companies is probably a bad place to start.

it’s almost like victorian times sucked and people should stop romanticizing it

Consumers: Nevermind. I’ve got my eye on a lifted Ram 3500 with a chip...