
This seems like an odd route to take to try and raise the money to finish building the Olympic venues.

Why are IOC Directors dressed as Brazilian Police Officers?

I think solar and battery storage is going to take off in countries like India that have a poor grid first. Just like how many countries skipped landline telephones all together and just went to cellular. The monopolistic utilities in the u.s are going to fight solar to the death. Just my opinion tho

Don't be silly, those stories were just metaphors. You have to focus on the real important stuff like floods and the world being created in 6 days. That's what really matters. (/s)

Torch, I think this is good stuff. Love this sort of thing. But, let’s go a step further and compare to inflation-adjusted median incomes. From the BEA, via FRED (which is awesome), Disposable Personal Income Per Capita from 1959-Present, in 2009 Dollars (So, income less taxes.)

I must say, these articles have made me even more cautious about using Autopilot now. Not because I’m scared of the system, but because I don’t want my goddamn name and what I was doing while driving plastered all across the interwebs.

When I think “rocket science”, I think a 24HP flathead straight 6 with a 6.5:1 compression ratio.

$55???? Holy fucking shit, fuck you buddy.

As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!

This was recorded on the bridge just after he passed.

Yes, nothing says “environmentally responsible” to me like “Department of Justice.”

And the Jeep transmission problem claims yet another life.

Dear Hamilton, from now on you will be getting 75% of your agreed-upon salary, since it’s “basically the same thing.”

Be honest. You don’t want the 6th in line for that car.

Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

fuck off

The 5 door Elantra has been called the Elantra GT forever.

Well, Mitsubishi successfully got you to write about the Outlander.

Why does the photo album in the end seem to have epilepsy?