
Of course it was designed before FCA - it’s successful on the marketplace.

Bought it. Wear it to Bastrop whenever I drop by.

Google should Streetview it just to piss Russia off even more. This guy deserves the publicity — even if it might be a wee bit insane, you can't argue with that work ethic and carpe diem attitude.

The Mustang’s driver.

And somehow it still manages to educate its people better...

As a 15 year Baltimore resident who used to live in Chicago, I’d say it’s waaaaay more incompetence than corruption.

How do dealers do a better job selling to women or other non traditional groups?

Be careful out there; vary from the recommended pressure by even half a psi, and this could be your car crashing.

“Few people seem to care about our sport. What’s the move here?”

annnnnnnnd go.

A couple of things wrong with these statistics.

All I see in that last chart are cars getting safer and traffic fatalities decreasing while motorcycle fatalities have stayed about the same thus giving them a higher percentage of the pie.

They save lives, folks.

Yet they have an order backlog a year long, and Atherton housewives are doing dirty things to get a higher place on the waiting list.

Because Ferrari and Lamborghini have awesome fit and finish as well. Because people buy these cars for their fit and finish. Because that’s why the Japanese marquees dominate the $100k luxury range.

It's the 25 or 6 to 4 model

A prune is by definition a dried plum. What in the hell is prune juice?

As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

@Eric Stephens: ive had the same problem with my land rover except it went like this.