
So, what is the formula for peer pressure?

Calling Dr. Quartermass, calling Dr. Quartermass

Exactly. One of the few things I liked about "I, Robot" the movie was that acknowledgment

Since Gerry Anderson died today, this would be a good time to mention Star Wars' opening shot of a star destroyer filling (and filling and filling) the screen was directly influenced by a similar shot from the first season of Space:1999.

On the plus side: at least the new Death Star won't be a big red ball

11 rules + 66 comments and no one's used "enhance" once ??

The Only reason "The Dark Knight Rises" is the worst film of the year is because no one died trying to see "Prometheus"

I would have said the same thing before "Prometheus." Now, not so much...

The "Federation" and "Starfleet" weren't even concepts until a half-dozen scripts into the Original Series. The first few episodes refenced UESPA (United Earth Space Probe Agency), if they mentioned anything other than 'earth'

I liked 'Enterprise' better when it was called "Firefly"

Ooo, even better title: Speed eRacer

For years, my wife thought he actually conducted the experiment on cats. To be fair, I probably didn't explain it correctly (or didn't accent the phrase *thought* experiment enough).

The really weird thing is, this is what I saw Tuesday morning before checking into io9...

One the hand — Is that a shopping list?

Set your blasters to STUN-ning

"Speedier Racer" —

The official name was "Car-fu"

You forgot to mention THE CARS. It wasn't just that Speed Racer did a good job bringing the Mach 5 to life, or updating the design esthetic beautifully with the Mach 6, they created an entirely new — and surprising consistent — ecology of automobiles.

As much as I love this movie, I agree — if ever there was a candidate for a "Phantom" cut, it's Speed Racer. As frenetic as so much of the movie is, it could have been MUCH tighter

Umm, in his defense, Cameron DID shoot Stanton in the head.