Wait — so, how'd we get in THIS universe then? The temporal blast must have thrown us into an alternate timeline...
Wait — so, how'd we get in THIS universe then? The temporal blast must have thrown us into an alternate timeline...
The movies produced in Canada from 1974 to 1982 are known as "tax shelter movies," due to the incredibly generous tax laws Canada had put in place .... It was bloated genre fare like the Neptune Factor that finally broke the system.
Nah, she's like Marvel's Taskmaster: Every time he'd learn a new ability, he'd forget something about his personal life. But the motor skills would always remain.
Sunset came early, now, at this end of Genevieve's World. A second horizon sheared off the sky as the Worldship grew, and on the outskirts of certain icefields, the long rays passed through two atmospheres and the pyroclastic glow rolling down from the nanoforges.
Even though I read a lot of Gibson's short stories when they first came out, I came to Neuromancer late ... maybe '88, '89? And I remember sitting in my car one night when the DJ decided to play the long version of Bonham's "The Disregard of Timekeeping," complete with the throbbing two-minute intro, and instantly…
Wait — there's an article that goes along with the picture?
Oh sure, that's what they WANT you to believe.
I sent myself an email reminding to reply to this tomorrow
"Alright, Sage — what do you got?"
Damn, there goes the beginning of my story ... guess I'll have to skip straight to the porn parody version
Because for some reason aliens only get basic cable — you need the next tier for love. You know, Cinemax.
My theory will be confirmed when future mathematicians start calling pruned p-branches a "bustle in your hedgerow"
And maybe they do not have this thing you call "love" on their planet, and need the hu-mans to teach it to them.
I'm not saying it's aliens... but it's aliens
>And don't fuck with Blayde's brother, Nyfe.
Who needs Parallel Universes when you have PARALLEL GUITAR NECKS!
And, if you turn the above graphic upside down you have either a map of the Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, or the logo to Starview 92 the most awesome Rock 'n' Roll station ever — all of which simply proves that Led Zeppelin still rules the multiverse, no matter how infinite.
Thank you, I've been saying this for years. Well, not that 'remakes are our greatest achievement' but that they are a central pillar of civilization. We think of the Arthurian legend as a specific set of tales stemming from Morte d'Arthur, but all Malory did was codify the best of 500 years of remixes, remakes,…
Every generation seems compelled to do their own film version of "The Three Musketeers" — all of them wildly different, both from each other and from the source material. (An earlier commenter said studios should wait 20 years between 'remakes', and here studios seem to agree.)