Cheesus, you know this is going to end up in a museum now... some post-outsider exhibit or something
Cheesus, you know this is going to end up in a museum now... some post-outsider exhibit or something
Some of my best friends are white stones
Shouldn't the colors be reversed then?
Wow that brings me back — I remember seeing many of these, the two Eowyn shots especially, in Starlog or some other magazine.
Plus, Gandalf is a total ripoff of Obi-Wan Kenobi
This list of 50 time travel flicks has Jean-Claude Gosh Darn at #44 — which is about right.
This list is immediately disqualified by including Time Cop and not The Time Machine. Of course, a careful use of a history-altering device known as "the keyboard" will quickly set the timeline right again.
The show was banned in our house after my mom heard about that episode.
Doesn't the piehole in the faceplate sorta defeat the purpose of the helmet? Kinda like a screen door in a submarine if ya ask me.
Spacefoodsticks, get yer spacefoodsticks here!
That packaging IS ridiculous ... the one I remember was "A-OK Space Energy Sticks" from Pet, as the packaging was much better designed— and more authentic, with an astronaut on the box.
I counted at least five "Fuck yeah!" moments — that makes this movie an Ace.
[record scratch] whaaaaa??
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." — The X-Files
Taking bets as to what year someone writes "Why The Singularity’s Vision of the Future is Out of Date" ... anyone?
Blueberry cruller, got it.
Just so. "A Portrait of the Artist as an Asshole" might be an appropriate title.
This line of thinking isn't that surprising, considering a central tenant of teaching and creating art is "you have to learn the rules in order to break them." Breaking rules, in fact, is pretty much the history of art in the 20th century.
Pretty good, if the turtles were on their backs ... come to think of it, upside down turtles would explain a lot about this universe.