New Coke? ... last time I flew on Pan-Am to stay at Howard Johnson's. :)
New Coke? ... last time I flew on Pan-Am to stay at Howard Johnson's. :)
Don't you mean "+1 spin" ?
Intelligent Encyclopedia = IE = Internet Explorer ... close enough
Like we need another reason to loathe Wikipedia — but I'll happily add it to the pile.
Don't blame them — blame Stanley Kubrick and Ridley Scott. Any company whose logo showed in "2001" and "Blade Runner" are dead dead dead
Pinto explains it all.
In all fairness to Wolverine, Gerber's Teething Biscuits are rather bitchin'
Agreed. Sometimes coloring in a whole picture ruins it. Worf's one-off aside was not only shorter and funnier, it was the more creative solution (and a hellava lot cheaper to shoot than a two-part episode no doubt).
We shall speak of it no more!
Also, in scenes filmed later in the 1st season when the two lead characters are arguing, it's hard not to notice THEY AREN'T ACTING. Landau and Bain don't hold back a lot of emotion when yelling at each other in these episodes.
I also like the narrative tension the writers have created between the possibility one or both worlds are dreams, and that both worlds are real, and he's a Schrodinger's Cop existing in both.
By being "true to Starbuck" (or any character) sometimes he'd ignore "development" they'd had in an ENTIRE SEASON.
Wait, "Enterprise" wasn't fanfic?
"greatER continuity" [missed the edit window to correct that]
I love Star Trek and it's intricate history, but come on. It's a TV show. He's supposed to nix a story because it contradicts one little line in an episode years before? It would be great if every detail could always be consistant, but after decades of pumping out episodes it's just not possible.
During the early 1990s, Paramount also took the highly unusual step of accepting over-the-transom scripts from writers for Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. The offer lifted all the usual restrictions — you didn't need an agent, didn't need to be a SWG member — but limited you to a single pitch.
Unfortunately, this inconsistency isn't out of character for Ron Moore.
I did, and my last comment still stands. (The I-forgot-I-was-a-secret-agent-but-my-muscle-memory-didn't has now been done to death, but the added craziness of I-also-saved-the-earth-and-didn't-know-it ... yes, silly as it is ... would give it a fresh spin.)
Can't believe Battlefield Earth is going to take this. It is definitely in the 'so bad its good' category (or at least good for a laugh). No way it is worse than all, much less half, the other flicks here
They're releasing it in August? Not exactly a show of approval from the studio ...