
No, you should seek it out, if only to experience the sheer mind-numbing squandrance of it all. (And yeah, I made up that word.) It is literally like watching $100 million burn on a cheap grill.

Heck, why wait for io9 — let's get this party started:

Picking 64 bad movies to compete is too easy — and leaves out SO many deserving titles. I would much rather see a bracket to determine the worst DIRECTOR of all time. Now THAT would be more cathartic, and you wouldn't have to pick between one stinker and another, but could judge the contest on the totality of the work.

Paul W.S. Anderson WISHES his movies were as good as Sucker Punch.

Here's how bad Skyline was — up until last year, a buddy and I would still pay and go see movies in the theater we knew were bad (like the Death Race remake, for instance). We would have a few beers, fire off MST3K zingers at the screen and have a good laugh. And mind you, this was the same friend I invited over to

Unfortunately, once again the lesson suits in Hollywood (and Disney, if they survive the coming purge) will take away from this is "don't take chances on the different" and "do keep pandering" — instead of the real teachable moment: MAKE SURE YOUR MARKETING PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SELLING.

Where are the Duckcoats when you need them?

While researching for a game many years ago, a friend gave me an old OOP book on a history of duels and sword-fighting that completely changed my outlook: essentially real fights lasted only a few seconds, after only one or two blows, and were frequently fatal — hours or days later, when the stabbed would die horribly

Moon 44 is always at the top (bottom?) of my list: it was Roland Emmerich's first feature, and I still can't believe he was even allowed to make a 2nd movie, much less go on to piss away 100s of millions of dollars since.

See, this is what I love about io9 — even if they get the details wrong on occasion, they know History goes back farther than 15 minutes ago. And they never cease digging up the past and presenting it in inspiring ways.

Uh, guys — been there, done that

Also, lyrics were a perfect fit:

My god ... someone finally made a movie about my adolescence. I can't wait to watch this with my brother Brent.

No worries — once Disney's John Carter leaves a Heaven's Gate-sized crater, the IP won't be worth fighting over.

What's amazing is that George Lucas influenced a generation of film makers with Star Wars, who were inspired to go out and create something just as good ... and now he's done it again. Except this time he inspired a generation to become better film makers so they don't put out shite like The Phantom Menace.

Mine came with a dead cat in it. Wait, hold on — never mind.

Come to think of it, Pon Far would make a great name for a Panda. "Biologists at the National Zoo today tried mating Ling-Ling & Pon Far, with no success."

I didn't mind Anakin being a kid — if he was played by Haley Joel Osment.

Vulcans are just big space pandas. With pointed ears.