
Does Jezzer make money from this? (His mother made the stuffed animals)

Well it is an ass-engined Nazi slot car.

So, Wendy, Marvin, Gleek, WonderDog, and the Wonder Twins?

Never thought I'd be pulling for Dopey Dope... But he can act better than LeBeauf


One hit wonders... Wait another 42 years.

When the season's over, if Detroit doesn't win he gets sent to Nicaragua with the loser shirts

Two seasons from now? This upcoming season is the 2014 season...

Not as bad as 19-0 Pats fan.

May I suggest this politically correct, diversity affirming replacement

You know how they resurrected Cosmos to get a new generation interested in science? We need this for the next generation of motorsport.

Warp drive doesn't have anything to do with time travel. First, relativity says that as you approach the speed of light time slows down for you (speeding up everyone else relative to you). What happens when you go faster than light is undefined. But warp drive isn't making your ship go faster than light, it's

Wilbur Wright, 1901

Is it going offroad?

Did one of them look like this?

Meet the Coelecanth, thought to be extinct in the Cretaceous, until they found a living one...

Well I figured the shark ate the bits with the tracker and dove post mortem.

The solution is staring them in the face

Just watched a (climax free) "documentary" on Megalodon, maybe him. Of course it could have also been a 15 foot great white shark.