
tall car

For watching two movies at the same time? Talk about ADD.... Mom this movie is boring, AND the other movie is boring too.

If I were 10, I could stab you in the chest 19 times and get away with it, right?

Isn't anybody else disturbed that bears have learned to open doors?

Maybe at 5 I didn't have a proper sense of time, but at 12 I certainly knew ficitonal characters from reality and understood the consequences of killing living things let alone people. I currently have two nieces, 9 and 10 years old, and they know the difference.

You're absolutely right, they should be executed on the spot.

When the iPhone 6 comes out that will be 4 generations of phone that will be supported (6, 5s, 5, 4s). How's the Galaxy S II doing with KitKat?

That's why she deserves to look good and not be a broken down jalopy with a wonky hyperdrive.

Thought the Falcon would deserve a resto-mod and a shiny coat of paint and chrome in the last 30 years of peace...

I had to take the super tube before it had hyperdrive...

Most of the time the actors were on green screen sets looking at dots on a broomstick (to be replaced by a CGI character). Can you blame even otherwise notable actors like Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman for giving lifeless performances?

George Lucas used a story to tell special effects

Small FWD hatchbacks = "cheap" pauper cars to American sensibilities. Despite the likes of the Focus ST or Mini Cooper Works, performance FWD hatches are a niche of a niche. People in the US do not aspire to drive a small FWD hatchback. Right or wrong they have always been positioned as cheap entry level cars (see

I was going to point fingers and call you a blasphemer, but George doing everything by himself gave us the prequels...

You mean the crown vic with a different grille?

It was popular on lots of other cars too. Because then 3/4 of people would fill them in with chrome lettering.

Jet powered rainbow!!!1!

You need to look into the fraud of "Cap and Trade", i.e. "Carbon Credits". It's not about stopping companies from polluting. It's about charging them money for doing it (and keeping a percentage for yourself, to get rich by doing nothing), and exempting your allies and contributors from having to pay.

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I have to disagree with you Jesus, you are falling for the propoganda talking points offered by the establishment, which is ironically what you accuse "ignorant" people on the other side of. Time and time again we are told "the debate is over". No, the people on one side shout down the ones on the other and call

"We scientists are so good at making these dire long-term predictions about the climate"