
I'm an engineer. Since childhood I wanted to understand how things work and to make things.

James May's Alfaab

Mythbusters Ehcsrop 829

How about we just contract the Vikings out of the NFL, problem solved!

It was already destroyed by its very creator. We can only hope something can be salvaged from the wreckage.

Captain Janx comes out of retirement...

How many V6 Mustangs is that?

It's officer Barbie!

For people who live in a bad situation, there is still a concept of delayed gratification — sacrificing for the future. If you are driving a Mercedes or buying the 80" LED TV you are not making those tough decisions.

They all have huge contingents of workers offshore, i.e. India and China.

I've been enjoying my weekend and came up with a very original thought all of my own that succinctly destroys the global warming hoax.

I have a 944 Turbo. The conversion was done by ASC and from everything I've read it went so horribly wrong it inspired them to use this as an example of "let's NOT do this" when they designed the Boxster a few years later. They took one of the best handling cars in the world and made it wobbly.

" (I almost attributed the original thought to you, how silly of me. You've demonstrated not having any.),"

"Here's something you and Monkton, as non-scientists, both don't get: science changes its story often when new data arises."

U-S-B! U-S-B!

Now playing

We had Naked Gun, and Leslie Neilson got involved in some pretty bad parody movies after that (although I love this car chase from Wrongfully Accused).

The Emmerick/Devin disaster porn movies are the same movie every year and as dumb or dumber than Bay.

His visual skills are incredible.

"LMFAO!! It's being "purged from the record"?? Seriously? WTF is wrong with you?"