I don't think anyone is questioning the necessity, just the methodology.
The problem with saying "this is Transformers for a new generation" is that these movies aren't being made for that generation. Maybe the first, but after that there is no way I'm taking a kid to see a Bay TF film if they're the age I was when I first started watching G1.
Michael Bay movies are now what fart jokes are to humor - it's fun to have this type of thing, but not when it is all about this type of thing. Each of the Transformers movies can be shrunk down to a 5 minute clip that has the same entertainment value as the whole movie. This is the problem.
speak American u French kiss asshole licker
For the price, you could probably buy 1.8 million V6 Mustangs, though.
You've made a very compelling argument. I love Jeep, but they need some tough love. Their heritage and brand are great, but their products are hit-or-miss and their strategies are scattered and lack creativity. Their greatest products—by far—are the Grand Cherokee and Wrangler. The Cherokee has good reviews and sales,…
I was talking to someone from Cadillac at an auto show once about the sad, largely uncompetitive state of Lincoln these days. And you know what? He was bummed about it too. "We wish we had someone to do this American luxury thing with us," he told me. It is kind of a shame they're the only U.S. brand really doing it…
Dude, there are people in Brooklyn STILL bitching over the Dodgers leaving and despite three World Championships in the last decade, Red Sox fans will froth at the mouth if you mention Buckner or the 2003 ALCS. When it comes to sports, old hates die very very hard.
We've all herd a lot about the colts moving, but the ravens moving must have been murder.
That last sentence speaks loads about you. So if your precious digital video services don't have a movie, that automatically means it's not worth seeing? Impressive.
Streaming is not the way of the future. Netflix won't have everything you want to watch, neither will Amazon Prime nor Hulu Plus. If ISPs get their way, which is likely since they back many politicians and the rest don't care, then they'll get to charge content providers a premium. Guess how they'll sustain their…
Grand Cherokee Overland Summit; base price: $52,190 ;maxed price: $59,185 — Although it certainly isn't as big as a gap as I thought, I think it's safe to say it counts as a luxury barge too, and pretty damn off-road-able. Not that many people who pay that much for an SUV will actually off-road it, more than your…
The spirit of innovation that brought the rockets, gunpowder, tactics, and huge building projects, has long ago died and been lost. All of Asia exists in a culture of conformity. With China this started under the dynasties, and was ratcheted up under the communists. Now, their cultural revolution brings them from…