
People still buy car magazines?

And for a more recent example, Sacha Baron Cohen is known for the HBO version of his Ali G show and subsequent Borat and Bruno films. People don't know him from your equivalent of SNL (sorry I forget the name offhand). You just know people were looking to capitalize on Ali G's success at the time and they couldn't

Awesome point. Despite the parodies of themselves they've become, I love it when Top Gear actually gushes over a cheap car (once per series).

Most "mainstream" UK shows are not mainstream in the US — or if they are they have been remade into US versions, unbeknown by the majority of fans (including Simon Cowell's Idol and X factor).

The Falcon is reversed!!!! Unacceptable, who committed this blasphemy!

How many times is time travel just pulled out as a plot device in Trek? Since it's so easy, why isn't it used all the time?

I still want to know how he escaped a nuclear blast when he was still in the cockpit with 6 seconds on the timer.

Either the most awesome dumb movie ever made, or the dumbest awesome movie ever made.

True, there's certainly a tolerance for "just shut up and let the giant robots punch the monsters in the face" with no explanation. What irked me was the unneccessary "drifting" stuff. Shut up and punch monsters.

I was more disappointed that James Bond WAS his real name, I preferred to explain away the multiple bonds as it being 007's pseudonym and thus explaining the multiple Bonds. How can you have Connery's DB5 IN THE FREAKING MOVIE and simultaneously destroy the theory that none of the Bonds are literally named James Bond?

Well, he is back to bone claws in the trailer...

Coming to the next Special Edition...

RLM explained it well in one of their reviews (probably Phantom Menace). Studios don't want to take chances, they want to cash in on established characters and stories. Today, media is so diffuse, it's hard to capture huge swaths of the public's attention as opposed to say King Kong in 1933. That's why you see

Is that the young Beaver girl I keep hearing about?

UN Agenda 21.

New York City was on the verge of death in the 1970s, and was caught up in a national move west to Los Angeles...

What about Antarctica? Please don't tell me I'm left out. And the penguins. Think of the penguins.

I make $3.7 billion every 10 minutes on the internet. Beat that!

I must know more. Why have I never heard this before?