
I dunno, my plumber and mechanic make way more money per hour than I do...

In all of human history, show me a system that "gives" people what they need that doesn't completely impoverish EVERYBODY (except the elites in control who parasitically prosper). It's called feudalism.

Some people in France are paying 100% income tax.

Give? How about earning? Is that totally dead? Who will produce when everything is given? Does that mean I don't have to go to work now? Yippee! So I didn't need to study hard in school, get a master's degree, and I don't need to work 12 hours a day? Well, that's simultaneously a relief and a disappointment.

Erase the differences — by making everybody impoverished?

Now playing

Killing is wrong, and bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing, like badwrong or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I shall stand for the opposite of killing — gnodab.

Anyway, I realized I ignored your question about whether you could say something to change my mind.

Now playing

Global Warming enthusiasts can't stand debate and declare the science is over, sticking their fingers in their ears. Those are precisely the kind of people who declared the world is flat. People who dissent against the Global Warming "consensus" (such as Lord Monckton or Richard Lindzen) are shouted down and

That would be called a whitewash. Who exactly were these committees that investigated? Other institutions that receive global warming research funds and/or employ the likes of Michael Mann?

Looks like

Not an Iron Man suit, like this?

No doubt the pulverized ash of half of Metropolis is coating everything

Because scientists can never have an agenda

For me, the 1966 Adam West Batmobile is one of the earliest and best examples of special cars that I can remember from childhood. Along with the Monkeemobile, Herbie the Lovebug, and the Munsters car.

For all Batmobile fanatics:

Yo, check it. I has been out of work